Stories of Sherlock Holmes.ppt

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Stories of Sherlock Holmes

典范英语910 Stories of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle 四大组长组织本组参与本次读书交流活动。评委:各小组推选的代表 第一环节:(各大组依次回答,每组人可以补充,每题十分) 第二环节:抢答题 抢答题每题5分。 抢答方式:每组派1人抢答,抢到的小组必须在规定的时间5秒内作答,否则倒扣5分;该组全部人放弃机会,此题若由它组答对,则它组得5分。 第三环节:主观题,分值20分。 第四环节:评出优胜组(人人要发言) 分组陈述 10 分 1、Which story do you like best? Why? 抢答计分,每题5分 1、Do you like detective stories? Why? 四组抢答计分,每题5分 2. Who wrote the book Stories of Sherlock Holmes? 四组抢答计分,每题5分 Case 1 3. What’s the relationship between John Turner and Alice? 每题5分 4.Who killed James’ father? Why? 每题5分 5.What does the words “a rat” mean in the story? Case 2 每题5分 6. Whom did the bowler hat belong to? 每题5分 7.How did the man hide the jewel? Where can you find the answer? 每题5分 8. Who killed the goose whose crop had a carbuncle? 9.How did Holmes get the clues about where the goose came from? Case 3 每题5分 10.Why did Straker want to steal his own horse? 每题5分 11.What’s the meaning of “a long shot” on page 59? Case 4 12. Why did Mr. Rucastle hide his daughter? 四组抢答计分,每题5分 13.What do you think of Violet Hunter? Use specific examples to support your description. 14.What was Violent Hunter’s last job? 记叙文的大意概括(10分) 故事型的记叙文概括:应围绕“什么人、发生了什么事、结局如何”来写,即阐述一个故事梗概,Who(人物) 、 What(事情)、When(时间)、Where(地点)、Why、How、What to learn(结果)来写概括。 忌力陈细节,忌掺入个人评价。 组抢答计分,每题10分 Summarize The Boscombe Valley Mystery John Turner killed his blackmailer Charles McCarthy to prevent McCarthy’s son James from marrying his daughter and claiming all of his property. 组抢答计分,每题10分 Summarize The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Sherlock Holmes foiled(挫败) Mr Ryder’s plans to steal a precious jewel and frame a plumber, John Hormer, for the crime. 组抢答计分,每题10分 Summarize The Adventure of Silver Blaze A trainer John Straker tried to injure his horse in order to win a bet, but was killed when the horse fought back! 组抢答计分,每题10分 Summarize The Adventure of the Copper Beeches A selfish father Jephre Rucastle trapped his daughter Alice Rucastle, so he would not lose her money. His plan


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