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第四章 缓冲溶液 (Buffer Solution);一、缓冲溶液的缓冲作用和组成;;;二、缓冲机制 ;缓冲机制图;常见的缓冲系 ;第二节 缓冲溶液的pH值 ;亨—哈方程式的变形:;Henderson—Hasselbalch方程式讨论;例:;例:;第三节 缓冲容量和缓冲范围 (Buffer Capacity and Effective Range);(1)缓冲容量的微分式 ;(2)缓冲容量的微分式的讨论;(三)缓冲容量与缓冲溶液总浓度及缓冲系平衡浓度的关系;(四) 缓冲容量与pH的关系;1. 缓冲溶液的总浓度对β值的影响 ;2. 缓冲溶液的总浓度对β值的影响 ;缓冲容量与缓冲比的关系 ;最大缓冲容量:;3. 强酸(HCl)或强碱(NaOH)溶液 ;例:;二、BUFFER EFFECTIVE RANG;第四节 缓冲溶液的配制 ;原则和步骤 :;例题请同学们看讲义 Page 58 — 59;二、标准缓冲溶液 ;第五节 血液中的缓冲系 ;碳酸在溶液中主要是以溶解状态的CO2形式存在,在CO2(溶解)- HCO3-缓冲 系中存在如??平衡: 当[H+]增加时,抗酸成分HCO3-与它结合使上述平衡向左移动,使[H+]不 发生明显改变。当[H+]减少时,上述平衡向右移动,使[H+]不发生明显改 变。 ;正常人血浆中[HCO3-]和[CO2]溶解浓度分别为0.024mol·L-1和0.001 2mol·L-1,将其代入公式,可得到血液的正常pH值 pH=6.10 + lg =6.10 + lg =7.40 在体内,HCO3-是血浆中含量最多的抗酸成分,在一定程度上可以代表血浆对体内所产生非挥发性酸的缓冲能力,所以将血浆中的HCO3-称为碱储。 ;SUMMA;Buffer capacity is decided by pan-concentration and buffer ratio. When the pan-concentration of the buffer pair is settled, the buffer ratio is the more close with to 1 , the buffer capacity will be the more large. When the buffer ratio is equal to 1, the buffer capacity will attain the maximum ‘β max’. When the buffer ratio is equalization, the pan-concentration of the buffer pair is the more large,the buffer capacity will be the more large. ;pH=pKa土1 is stipulated the buffer effective range. Over this range, the buffer solution will be to lose the buffer ability too low of the buffer capacity. Dispense the buffer solution. It may be according to the table of this book. The methods have three kinds. The first kind is “weak acid add its conjugate base”. The second kind is “weak acid (overdose) add strong base”. The third kind is “strong acid add weak base (overdose)”.;The buffer solution apply to medical science about the buffer system and buffer action principle in blood is important. In the human blood, the major buffer pair have H2CO3-HCO3-、H2PO4--HPO42-、HnP-Hn-1P-. In these buffer pair, the carbonic acid buffer pair have highes


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