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吉林市万科城营销策略研究 [摘 要]房地产房地产销售 [Abstract] The real estate industry co-ordinating the twenty-first century world economy pillar industries, has been national attention. Because of its large investment and long life cycle characteristics, it is defined as a high-risk industry. With the purchasing power of the mutual investment and promote real estate sales occupy a very important position, what comes next is the sales methodologies and various issues in depth. Real estate investor business marketing strategy is the key to success. Customer-centric, with the right marketing strategies in order to allow investors to truly compete in the market in an invincible position. In the existing Chinese real estate enterprises, most SMEs are still busy living, only a few strong, management is relatively standardized, there is a certain brand influence enterprises begin to pay attention to the strategic level thinking from the future development of enterprises. In this paper, the city of Jilin Vanke sales were analyzed, the first part describes the current situation and the real estate industry in Jilin City in Jilin City Vanke City brief introduction, the second part of the advantage for Vanke City were analyzed, weaknesses analysis, opportunity analysis, cost analysis The third part of the product for the presence of Vanke City, value, place, promotion and brand image raises questions, the fourth section describes the process of improvement of products, the implementation of dynamic pricing strategies, using a variety of sales channels, improve promotions, shaping the real estate brand image in order to sustainable development. [KeyWords] Jilin Vanke; Real Estate; Positioning 目 录 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 目 录 Ⅲ 正 文 1 一 1 (一)吉林市房地产行业现状 1 (二) 1 二 2 (一) 2 (二) 3 (三)吉林市万科城机会分析 4 (四)吉林市万科城威胁分析 5 三 6 (一) 6 (二) 7 () 7 () 7 (五)过于追求高利润,忽略品牌形象 8 四、吉林市万科城市场营销对策 8 (一) 8 () 9 () 10 () 11 (五)塑造房地产品牌形象以求可持续发展 12 参考文献 万科中国房地产行业的领跑者,2009年,万科全年共实现销售金额634.2亿元,销售面积663.6万平方米,成为国内首家销


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