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安 徽 财 经 大 学 商 务 学 院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 我国药膳市场营销问题及对策 Problems and Strategy of Medicine Diet in the Chinese Market 专 业 市场营销 班 级 051营销1 姓 名 杨金光 学 号 2005211053 指导教师 张艳 (讲师) 二零零九年六月 我国药膳市场营销问题及对策 【内容摘要】进入21世纪的中国,人民收入稳步提高,健康保健意识逐步增强,对于药膳的保健需求也进一步增加。特别是我国老年人口的逐步增加,老龄化社会的到来都增加了对药膳的消费需求,在此基础上进行药膳的市场营销研究就很有必要。此项研究能填补我国作为一个中医药大国的药膳营销空白,对药膳企业的市场经营具有深刻的指导意义。 本文从药膳市场的消费者特点着手,在提出问题前,着重分析了药膳市场的消费者购买行为及购买过程。在此基础上提出当前药膳营销存在的问题,并运用经典的4P理论,在营销战略和营销组合策略方面提出了具体的营销对策。最后对药膳消费走向国际化进行了展望。 【关键词】药膳; 市场营销; 问题 ;对策 Problems and Strategy of Medicine Diet in the Chinese Market Abstract: As entering the 21st century, China people's income is increasing steadily, and the awareness of health care gradually increase, the health needs of foods is also further enhanced, especially in the elderly population of China's gradually increase, as the arrival of an aging society is coming, consumer demand for foods is becoming large, so it's necessary to research the diet market. The study is able to fill the gap of the traditional Chinese medicine which as a big power in the diet marketing, also it will give profound significance to the foods enterprises. In this paper, the use of the 4P classical theory, in product, price, place and promotion, making marketing solutions for diet marketing from the four aspects, and want to be helpful to the business. In this article, start from the characteristics of the consumer of medicine diet market .Start to raise questions in the former, focusing on an analysis of the consumer medicine diet market buying behavior and purchase process. Based on this to get the current marketing problem, and then use the 4P classical theory, in marketing strategies and marketing mix strategy specific marketing strategy. Finally, towards the internationalization of medicine diet in future. Key words: Medicine Diet ; Marketing ;Issue ; Count



