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三友认证计费系统详细配置步骤 安装freeradius1.1.4的版本 1、# tar -xvf freeradius-1.1.4.tar 2、# cd freeradius-1.1.4 3、# ./configure -localstatedir=/var -sysconfdir=/etc 4、# make 5、# make install 至此freeradius安装完毕 二、mysql数据库服务器操作 1、rpm -qa|grep mysql 查看是否安装mysql数据库程序 2、service mysqld start 启动mysql数据库程序 3、/usr/bin/mysqladmin password 336699 修改mysql用户的root的密码 4、mysql -u root -p enter password: 336699 (输入密码,无显示) mysql CREATE DATABASE radius; Show databases; 6、mysql quit 注释:删除mysql 命令 mysqldorp databases radius; Mysql下的命令都有“;” 三、设置启动的服务 1、 # ntsysv 选中mysqld和httpd服务,使其开机启动。 四、设置freeradius程序 1、# cd /freeradius-1.1.4/doc/examples 2、# mysql -u root -p radiusmysql.sql 生成freeradius的基本数据库的表 3、# cd /etc/raddb/ 注释:“i” 是编辑的的意思 Esc 退出 “shift”+ “;” 后输入 wq 保存修改数据 “q!”不保存 查找字符 输入”/”后输入要查找的字符 “N”是下一个 “shift”+“N”是上一个 4、# vi sql.conf 将以下: # Connect info server = localhost login = root password = password 修改为: # Connect info server = localhost login = root password = 336699 5、# vi radiusd.conf 将以下: # See Authorization Queries in sql.conf # sql 修改为: # See Authorization Queries in sql.conf sql 将以下: # See Accounting queries in sql.conf # sql 修改为: # See Accounting queries in sql.conf sql 将以下: post-auth { # Get an address from the IP Pool. # main_pool # # If you want to have a log of authentication replies, # un-comment the following line, and the detail reply_log # section, above. # reply_log # # After authenticating the user, do another SQL qeury. # # See Authentication Logging Queries in sql.conf # sql # # Un-comment the following if you have set # edir_account_policy_check = yes in the ldap module sub-section of # the modules section. 修改为: post-auth { # Get an address from the IP Pool. # main_pool #


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