BSA224S 天平的操作、维护和校准.doc

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BSA224S 天平的操作、维护和校准

标准操作规程 Standard Operating Procedure 题 目: BSA224S 天平的操作、维护和校准 Title: BSA224S Balance Operation, Maintenance and Calibration 生效时间: 下次审核时间至 Effective Date: Next Review Due 分发部门: Area to be distributed: ARD, QA 姓名: Print Name: 职位: Title: 签名: Signature: 日期: Date: 起草人: Initiator: 审核人 Reviewer: 审核人: Reviewer: 批准人: Approver: 目的: Purpose: 本操作规程是为ARD(Analytical Research Development)分析实验室的所有BSA224S天平的使用,维护和校准提供标准化程序。 The purpose of this document is to provide the procedure for the operation, maintenance and calibration of all BSA224S balances in the ARD (analytical development)laboratory. 范围: Scope: ARD分析实验室内所有BSA224S天平的使用,维护和校准都应遵循此规程。 This procedure applies to the operation, maintenance and calibration of all BSA224S balances used in ARD laboratory. 定义: Definitions: N/A 职责:Responsibility: ARD研究员有责任遵守该规程并且保证能够符合SOP中的要求。ARD研究员必须经过此SOP培训才能使用分析天平。 ARD scientists are responsible to comply with this procedure and ensure each requirement in this SOP is carried out. ARD scientists can not use the analytical balance till SOP training completed. 规程内容: Procedural description: 1 日常使用 Daily use 特定的操作,维护和解除故障可以参照使用说明书。 维护和维修必须记录在仪器档案中。 Refer to instrument manuals for specific operating, maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. The record of maintenance and repair work performed should be stored in the balance equipment file. 操作步骤如下 The operating procedure is specified as below: 1.1 打开电源 Switch on the power key. 1.2 检查气泡是否位于水平仪上圆圈的中央 Check the air bubble at the centre of circle of the gradienter. 1.3 打印前清零,读数稳定后按打印键 Tare the data before print, press the print key after the reading is stable. 1.4 全部称量结束后,按下天平上的 CF键。 Press the CF key after completing the weighings. 2. 天平外部校准 Balance External Calibration 2.1 清空天平,通过按cal 键,可进行天平的校准。 Clean the balance, and then press the cal key to calibrate the balance. 2.2 放入200g砝码,当屏幕出现“200.0000g”后,说明校准完成。 Put on the reference weight (200g). When “20


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