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MODULE 14 Nyquist Analysis and Relative Stability MODULE 14 Nyquist Analysis and Relative Stability (1 hour) Conditional stability Relative stability 14.1 Conditional Stability 条件稳定系统:由于开环传递函数的某些参数改变,闭环系统的稳定性发生改变,即闭环系统的稳定是有条件的。 SP14.1 When K0.832 ? stable When K0.832 ? unstable When K=0.832 ? critically stable Conditioned stable system SP14.1 When K=0.832,?M=1 When K0.832 ? stable When K0.832 ? unstable When K=0.832 ? critically stable Im 0 ?=0+ ?=+? -1 ? Re K? ? relative stability ? 14.2 Gain and Phase Margins The Gain Margin is defined to be the gain needed to just make the system frequency response pass through the critical point divided by the actual system gain. (P275) (1) Gain Margins (GM) KC -critical open-loop gain K -actual open-loop gain GM的含义:如果系统的开环增益增大为原来的GM倍,闭环系统处于临界稳定状态。 ∵M ? K ? KC/K ?MC/M GM1: closed-loop is stable; GM1: closed-loop is unstable ?g- crossover frequency (相角穿越频率) 幅值裕度还可以判断稳定性: 但是,有些场合用GM说明稳定程度或者判断稳定性 会得到不确定甚至错误结论。(P276) ?g (2) Phase margins (PM) Φ(?c) A 在A点: ?g ?c ?c— the frequency that makes the magnitude unity(截止频率) PM的含义:如果系统对频率为?c信号的相角滞后再增加PM度,闭环系统处于临界稳定状态。 (2) Phase margins (PM) PM0: closed-loop is stable PM0: closed-loop is unstable The Phase Margin is the amount of pure phase lag that has to be introduced to a system in order to make its frequency reponse pass through the critical point. Φ(?c) SP 14.2 P281 A feedback control system has the open-loop transfer function given by Find the gain margin and phase margin corresponding to the value of forward-path gain K=1. (1) The gain margin test for stability(GM1) is not reliable, the test for the phase margin(PM0) dose apply to all system (minimum-phase system) and should be considered the best test for system stability when using Nyquist diagram. 14.3 Comment on Gain and Phase Margins GM1 ?unstable PM0 ?stable The system is stable. GM1, GM1 ?unstable? stable? PM0 ?stable The system is stable. (2) Relationship between the relative


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