热处理报告 竖版-252.docVIP

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热处理报告 竖版-252

PROFILING Affix one of the thermocouples to the point on the circuit board assembly that normally will come up to temperature most slowly. This point could be the leads of a PLCC, QFP, or BGA. First, remove the solder from the joints of several leads on the component to be thermocoupled and re-solder them with high melt point alloy. It is necessary to remove the existing solder to avoid diluting the high temperature solder and reducing its melting point. Then attach the thermocouple junction to these leads using the high temperature solder. 将其中一条热电偶附接在电路板组件上升温最慢的点上,通常是PLCC,QFP或BGA上的引脚,移除热电偶附接处的几个引脚的焊锡,再用高温合金焊料焊上热电偶。若不移除原本焊锡会降低热电偶焊点的熔点。 Solder the second thermocouple in a location that will usually be the hottest. This hot spot will normally be in an unpopulated bare section at the corner of the board. Avoid placing two thermocouple junctions on the same circuit path, as they may interfere with each other. 将第二条热电偶附接在电路板组件最热位置上,通常在板上没有元件的角落位置。避免将两条热电偶附接在相同线路上造成互相影响。 Use as little solder as possible when attaching thermocouples to component and board to minimize change to local thermal mass that can affect the accuracy and response time of the thermocouple. 尽量使用最少的锡量焊接热电偶以减少焊点热量对热电偶精度及响应时间的影响。 Tape the thermocouples to the board to avoid stress at the joints during handling and dress the thermocouple wires into a neat pigtail to prevent tangling in the conveyor belt. 用高温胶带将热电偶排布固定好,并在热电偶线上套上“猪肠胶”避免卡住回流焊。 Place the board on the conveyor and fasten it in place with a suitable clip so that the board will not slip on the belt. If a thermocouple junction is located on a trace, this trace must be isolated from the machine ground. 将测试板放进回流焊炉,用合适的夹子将板与运输带固定避免发生滑移。确保热电偶与机器地线隔离。 It is not necessary to profile every assembly before production. The Heller reflow systems are very forgiving and have wide process latitude. Boards with similar size and density to others that have been programmed will often be able to use the same profile without any changes to the set points. 并不需要每种产品


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