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Why do we want to expand overseas 1, expand exports, open up overseas markets. By means of cooperation with foreign,To improve our technique, products and services. 扩大出口,开拓海外市场。通过海外投资办厂,带动我们的技术、设备、产品和服务的出口,改变了我们以往主要依赖产品贸易出口的模式。 2, To strengthen international cooperation, make full use of international resources to made new progress, the introduction of advanced technology,To improve the technology. 加强国际合作,充分利用国际资源取得新进展,引进国外技术,提高自身水平。 Why do we want to expand overseas 3、Introduce advanced technology ,and enable the joint ventures products to have marked socio-economic benefits domestically or to be competitive in the international market. 引进先进技术,使合资企业的产品在国内具有显著的社会经济效益或在国际市场上的竞争力。追求互利共赢,实现国际化经营的可持续发展。 4、hopes to use them to raise brand awareness and flog some drinks. also can products are obviously upgraded, strengthen international competitiveness. 希望能利用海外扩张来提高品牌知名度,以此来销售一些饮料,也使产品档次有了显著提高,增强国际竞争力。 Why do we want to expand overseas 5、With increasing competition in the domestic,the market has become saturated. we have to try and expand our operations overseas. 本土竞争激烈,国内市场逐渐饱和,不得不向海外扩张。 6、We invest more overseas markets and cooperate with their potential partners overseas.To seek new breakthroughs. 向海外市场扩张投资,通过并购、合资等合作方式积极开拓海外市场,谋求新突破。 选择的国家 Country 新加坡 Singapura The Republic of Singapore known as Singapore, is an island nation in Southeast asia. Since independence in 1965, Singapore 40 years quickly became one of East Asian Tigers. Singapore is a multi racial, multi religious, multi language and multi-cultural nation of immigrants, promotion of racial harmony of nature is the core of government policy. Singapore is also one of the worlds most international countries. 国家简介(National introduction) Singapore is the worlds most affluent countries in the world, and its famous for stabilize the political situation, clean-fingered and efficient government . Singapore is the important financial, service and shipping centers. 新加坡是全球最为富裕的国家之一,并以稳定的政局、廉洁高效的政府而著称。新加坡是亚洲重要的金融


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