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文件编号: Document Number: FDL S-PMD-DR-001 版本号 Edition 页数 Pages 编制日期 Edit Date 02 4 2005-10-8 Process owner Co-Process Owner Approved by PMD Manager HR Manager GM Distribute to: 分发至 人事部HR 总经理GM 副总经理DGM 管理者代表 审核机构 PMD 目录 Content 职责范围 Scope …………………………… 第2页 职责 Responsibility ……………………… 第2-3页 文件修改状态一览表Summary of modification …… 第4页 职责范围Scope 保证公司生产部门所有机械电气设备正常运转,能生产出合格适用的产品。 Make sure all equipments working well, to manufacture good quality products. 做好设备的计划预维修工作(含节假日和规定停机时间的计划维修工作及修 理后的检查工作),提高设备运转效率,减少停机时间。 Make preventive maintenance plan for equipment (including holidays and stated times), increase the efficiency of equipment, and reduce the stopping time. 保持对设备经常性的检查和维护(含定时对设备进行润滑),使设备保持正常 运转状态。 Check and maintain the equipment frequently (including regular lubricate), in order to keep the machine running well. 确保在设备出现故障时给予及时的、准确的修理。 Make sure to solve the problem in time when the equipment is in trouble. 4. 修复更换下的备、配件。 Repair the replaced parts. 职责 Responsibility 做好设备的维护和修理记录,建立设备维修档案。 Make the maintenance notes, and establish special files for maintenance. 设备检查、修理和润滑后填写相应的维修记录。 Make relative maintenance note after checking, maintaining and lubricating. 做好重要的备、配件修理、调整记录。 Make a note for important spare parts’ maintenance or adjustment. 做好交、接班记录。 Make a note when handing on the duty. 负责备品备件的管理 Be responsible to charge the spare parts 1. 及时做好临时和技术改造用备品备件的定购计划和外协加工计划。 Make purchasing and machining plan for temporary and technique improving spare parts in time. 逐步扩大备、配件的国产化程度,降低维修成本。 Localize the spare parts continuously, reduce maintenance cost. 做好安全、环保和健康维修 Make maintenance safe, healthy, and no harmful to environment 经常对维修人员进行环保、安全生产教育,实现环保、安全与维修同时进行。 Educate the maintainer in environment protection and safe production, make the environment protection and safety carry out along with maintenance. 在维修过程中,及时清理现场垃圾并按照规定分类清理。 Classify and cl


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