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Introduction of SLT W10/Mike Chen Agenda : Introduction of Accelerated Test Typically used AT models: Accelerating factors: The purposes of AT including: Designed to identify failure modes and other weaknesses in product design. Improving reliability Assess the durability of materials and components. Monitor and audit a production process to identify changes in design or process that might have a seriously negative effect on product reliability. Introduction of SLT Introduction of SLT (con’t) Samples Size The samples need in SLT is 24 units Criteria Generally speaking, 17 or 1ess total failures is allowed in LPR stage; 10 or less total failures is allowed in MP stage. No more than 4 major issues may have the same failure mechanism. Fatal, Major, Minor issue definition Fatal issue: Safety issue Major issue: The problem prevents user from using the phone or have difficulty/inconvenient using the phone Minor issue: Cosmetic or any issue that don’t affect handset function Test Flow SLT Test Flow (original) SLT Test Flow Test Item (I) Test Item (II) Thermal shock (con’t) Test Item (III) Drop (con’t) Drop (con’t) Drop (con’t) Test Item (IV) Temp. cycling/temp. humidity (con’t) Test Item (IV) ESD (Con’t) ESD (Con’t) Test Item (V) Test Item (V) Mechanical test 加速試驗的目的: 發現產品設計上之弱點, 並利用不同加速因子組合測試, 先期發現未來產品在user 端所會發生的問題, 以及早因應 增加產品可靠度, 加速測試具有短期模擬產品使用過一段時間後的結果, 故可以知道產品在可靠度上可能發生的問題 預估材料及零件之壽命, 例如材料老化變質及電子零件最大負荷 在作一些設計變更或製程變更時, 加速測試可以比較修改前後對產品之影響 As above. SLT(ALT)僅為產品可靠度測試的其中一項, 此外上有針對不同的零件及功能有不同的測試方法. 如機構件上對於connector會作插拔壽命測試, 外觀件噴漆測試等 Function test are presented after each test to check if there’s any hardware or SW damage. Parametric test: test wireless functions. 48 hrs thermal shock for Moto products 目前依照產品不同特性會訂定不同測試高度 大panel手機落摔高度降為120cm. 溫度循環及高溫高濕: Moto 測試規範為88hrs (BenQ 48hrs) 新版測試規範, 比較大的改變是將drop test/temperature cycling/temperature humidity 分開 並非所有手機都要經過溫度循環的測試, 且落摔測試一次做完兩個cycle.此規範較原本規範鬆 SLT 為BENQ手機壽命測試之


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