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三年 班 座號:  姓名: 高雄市立陽明國中98學年度第1學期第2次段考三年級英語科試題 一、聽CD中有A、B、C、D四則對話或短文,聽完後選出最適當的答案。10% 1. (A) A week. (B) A month. (C) A year. (D) A day. 2. (A) Since he was eight years old. (B) Since he saw the brokenhearted parents. (C) Since he was a teenager. (D) Since the first day he was working at the police station. 3. (A) He gave a poor child money. (B) He found a missing girl. (C) He helped the teenagers find their way. (D) He can never forget how happy the parents were when they saw their daughter. 4. (A) The woman herself. (B) The woman’s husband and son. (C) The woman’s son. (D) The woman’s husband. 5. (A) He needs to read more books to get knowledge. (B) He isn’t excited about the trip. (C) He doesn’t understand the woman’s question. (D) He doesn’t know anything about the best five-star hotel in England. 二、文意字彙:20% 1. The TV news says there are forty-five c s of H1N1 in this country. 2. I didn’t think it carefully before I did it. So I r ted after doing it. 3. The b e between the city of London and Southwark in London, England, over the River Thames(泰晤士河) is famous in the world. 4. It’s getting colder and colder. Don’t forget to put on your s r when you go outside at night. 5. It’s a good habit to use your t h to clean your teeth after meals. 6. Mt. Ali is famous for its beautiful scenery. Thousands of f rs visit it every month. 7. Take the u a with you. I’m afraid that it will rain. 8. M n are very important in our life. We couldn’t receive any letters without them. 9. Maples leaves(楓葉) turn red and fall to the g d when the fall comes. 10. Of all the snack foods, the crispy(清脆的) potato c ps are my favorite. 三、文法選擇:30% 1. Two years have passed since I _____ to junior high school. (A) has gone (B) went (C) goes (D) have gone 2. That blue jacket is _________, not ________. You’d better(最好) give it back to her. (A) John’s ; Mary’s (B) John’s ; yours (C) mine ; yours (D) Mary’s ; yours 3. A:Isn’t that your new watch? B:______,


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