八年级 上册 unit 6.doc

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八年级 上册 unit 6

第八册 第六节 单词 grow up 长大,成熟,成长 grow过去时: 过去分词: 现在分词: 填空 1你在哪长大的? ——Where did you ? 2你长大后想干什么? ——What are you going to be when you ? 选择 1What is your cousin going to be when he up? A. grow B. grows C. will grow D. is growing 句型转换 1She is going to be a singer when she grows up.(对划线部分提问) she going to when she grows up? computer programmer 计算机程序设计员;编程人员 I am good at computer science, and I want to be a c programmer. cook名词,厨师。动词,烹饪,煮。 填空并说出所填单词的词性 1 I am . 2 I am a . 3The went to see the cake. 4Will she the dinner tonight? doctor 医生 他是个医生。 —— He is a d . engineer 工程师 1His father works as an (工程师) in this factory. violinist 小提琴手 小提琴 He is a famous (violin) driver 驾驶员,司机 动词,驾驶。 My father is a . My father is . pilot 飞行员 As a p , he is very successful. pianist 钢琴家 钢琴 Look at the man, he is playing , I think he is a . scientist 科学家 名词,科学 形容词,科学的 1你会成为一个科学家吗? ——Are you going to be a ? 2我对科学感兴趣。 ——I am interested in . 3这是一篇科普类的文章。 ——This is a article. be sure about 确信,对….有把握 1我确定我能得到奖学金 ——I getting the scholarship. 2别担心,我确定他会来看你的。 ——Don’t worry. I that he will come to see you. 3我确定他就是那个人。 ——I that he is the one. make sure 确保,查明 1你是怎么确定天要下雨呢? ——How can you it will rain? 2我要去确认一下我是不是明天离开。 ——I am going to if I will leave tomorrow. 3我要去确认一下飞机起飞的时间。 ——I will the time of flight. 注: make sure确认,弄明白的意思。后加不定式. be sure about 确定,确信的意思。后加名词或者动名词. 但两者后都可以加that从句 college 学院,大专,高等专科学校 固定搭配: go to college 上大学 1这所学院是2000年建立的。 ——This is founded in 2000. 2他是这所学校的学生。 ——He belongs to this . 3我妈妈让我去上大学。 ——My mum asks me


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