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数字口译-篇章练习 Task 1(口译任务1)Import and export of Germany 任务要求:下面你将听到一段关于德国的进出口情况的介绍,请在停顿时进行口译。注意:本段讲话中有很多数字(包括基数、序数、百分比等)和国名。这两种信息一般不能仅靠短期记忆,必须得使用笔记(下一课要系统学习)。在笔记时,必须把数字和数字对应的信息记录下来,列举国名的时候要纵向排列,这样才能体现列举的关系。 According to the latest statistic issued by the Bureau of Statistics of Federal Republic of Germany, German import volume from China amounted to 39.9 billion Euros, up by 21.6% in 2005. // China ranked the fourth in source of import of Germany advanced two places used in 2004. The proportion of import volume from China in the total Germany import volume rose from 5.7% to 6.4%.// The volume of German export to China amounted to 21.3 billion Euros, up by 1.4%, and China became the eleventh export destination of Germany, dropped one place used in 2004. The export volume of Germany to China in the total export volume dropped from 2.9% to 2.7%. // The total foreign trading volume of Germany is 1411.8 billion Euros, out of which total import volume is 625.6 billion Euros, up by 8.7% and total export volume is 786.2 billion Euros, up by 7.5%. // France, Holland and US maintained to be the first three source of import of Germany. // Britain, Italy, Belgium, Swiss, Spain and Russia were the fifth to tenth source of import of Germany orderly after China.// France, US, Britain, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Swiss and Poland were the first ten export destinations of Germany. 根据德意志联邦共和国统计局最新发布的数据,德国2005年从中国进口总额达到399亿欧元,增加了21.6%。// 中国成为德国第四大进口来源国,比2004年提前了两位。德国从中国的进口量占整个德国进口量的比例从5.7%上升到6.4%。德国向中国的出口总额达到213亿欧元,上升了1.4%,中国成为德国第十一大出口目的地国,比2004年下降一位。德国向中国的出口量占整个德国出口量的比例从2.9%下跌到2.7%。德国总的贸易量达到14118亿欧元,其中进口量为6256亿欧元,上升了8.7%,出口量为7862亿,上升了7.5%。法国、荷兰和美国保持为德国进口来源国的前三位。继中国之后,英国、意大利、比利时、瑞士和俄罗斯分别排在德国进口来源国的五到十位。法国、美国、英国、意大利、荷兰、比利时、奥地利、西班牙、瑞士和波兰位居德国出口目的地国的前十位。The world population by 2050 任务要求:下面你将听到一段关于2050年世界人口状况的报告,请在停顿时进行口译。注意:本段讲话提到的数字中有一个thousand million的说法。在报告中人们经常用thousand, million, billion或者万、亿为单位,请留意这种表达的译法。 New research shows that Earth will have more than 9000 million people



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