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Name:_______KEY__________________ Phys.115 Exam III 22 November 2006 Please do not turn the page until you are told to do so. Make sure that you have all three problems on your copy of the test. In order to get credit on a problem, you must show your work. If you only write down an answer without the work leading up to it, you will get no credit for it, even if it is the right answer. A car has a total mass of 1800 kg. The volume of air space in the passenger compartment is 5.00 m3. The volume of the motor and front wheels is 0.750 m3, and the volume of the rear wheels, gas tank, and trunk is 0.800 m3; water cannot enter these areas. The car is parked on a hill; the handbrake cable snaps and the car rols down the hill into a lake. (The car, with a heavy load in the trunk, remains horizontal.) (a) (10 points) At first, no water enters the passenger compartment. How much of the car, in cubic meters, is below the water surface with the car floating as shown? b) (10 points) As water slowly enters, the car sinks. How many cubic meters of water are in the car as it disappears below the water surface? When 215 g of a substance is heated to 330 and then plunged into a 100 g aluminum calorimeter cup containing 50 g of ice at -5.0, the final temperature, as registered by a 17 g glass thermometer, is 35.0. Note that the calorimeter and thermometer are at the same initial temperature as the ice. (6 points) Draw the graph that indicates the heat transfer between all the substances in the problem. (14 points) What is the specific heat of the substance, considering that it does not undergo any phase changes? A spherical balloon is made from a material whose mass is 3.00 kg. The thickness of the material is negligible compared to the 1.50 m radius of the balloon. The balloon is filled with helium (mass per mole 4.0026 g/mol) at a temperature of 305 K and just floats in air, neither rising nor falling. T


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