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笑话的可译性与不可译性 摘 要:文章对笑话的可译性与不可译性问题进行了分析,并选取了几个笑话的翻译进行论证。 Abstract: This study is an emp irical study of the translatability and untranslatability of Chinese jokes into English. 关键词: 笑话; 可译性; 不可译性; Key words :jokes;translatability; untranslatability; 一 笑话翻译的分析——不可译性 由于英汉词义不完全对应,英汉语义的不完全对应,和各国文化的差异,很多笑话都无法翻译,有些就算能完整地把意思表达出来,也无法体现原笑话的幽默感,而读者他国背景知识的缺乏,也给翻译带来了困难。 语言是文化的载体,具有深刻的文化内涵,不同的文化中很难找到意义完全对等的词语。正如Larry. A. Samovar 所说“Many words are culture – bound and have no direct equivalents , cultural orientations can render a direct translation nonsensical ,and a culture may not have the background and understanding to translate experiences specific to other cultures. ”( Larry A. Samovar ,2000 :132) 因而出现了不可译现象,各民族的传统文化,宗教文化,历史文化不同,由此而引起的联想,理解也不同。同一样东西在不同的文化中会引起不同的联想。英语Wine 一般指用葡萄或其他水果酿成的酒,而汉语的“酒”则涵盖一切含酒精的饮料,烈酒、葡萄酒和啤酒都包括在内。英语国家的人看到“孔府宴酒”的英语译名kong fu yan Wine 时肯定不知道这是一种烈酒。汉语“饮料”不包括含酒精的饮品,而英语drinks 可分为hard drinks (含酒精的) 和soft drinks(不含酒精的) 两种。这时,如果有笑话中含有此类词语,并要求读者想象的话,中国读者肯定没法和英美读者想到一块去。 Airport A stewardess (空中小姐) wore a sparkling gold necklace , a plane model as a drop, looking unique and professional. Detecting that somebody around was looking at her, she asked gracefully: “Is it pretty?” “Very pretty, but the airport looks more fascinating(迷人的).” The other party wisecracked(说俏皮话). 有位空姐带着亮灿灿的金项链,项坠儿系一小飞机,显得别致而有职业特点。她发现有人在看,便大方地问了一句:“它漂亮吗?”“漂亮极了,不过,飞机场更漂亮!”对方俏皮地说。飞机场在中国有平胸的意思,如果外国人不了解,就无法体会这一笑话的幽默。 Class, Lass and Ass Professor Tom was going to meet his students on the next day, so he wrote some words on the blackboard which read as follows: Professor Tom will meet the class tomorrow. A student, seeing his chance to display his sense of humor after reading the notice, walked up and erased the c in the word class. The Professor noticing the laughter, wheeled around, walked back, looked at the student, then at the notice with the c erased--calmly walked up and erased the l in lass, looked at the flabbergasted student and proceeded on his way. Tom教


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