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桑及桑椹酒之指標成分分析及抗氧化活性之研究 Study on the indicator compounds of mulberry and mulberry wine and their antioxidant activities 研究生:林 靜 宜 Chian-Yei Lin指導教授:賴 宏 亮 Horng-Liang Lay 張 誌 益 Chi-I Chang 【摘要】 桑椹屬於桑科 Moraceae 桑屬 Morus 植物,英文名為Mulberry,為多年生落葉果樹是台灣春季盛產的水果之一。本研究利用柱相層析進行桑椹成分的單離純化,從桑椹果實中分離得到五個不同的化合物,分別為β-sitosterol、scopoletin、rutin、quercetin和kaempferol;其中以scopoletin、rutin、quercetin和kaempferol為指標成分,開發HPLC分析方法,經確效試驗之驗證,得到安定且值得信賴之定量法,並利用此法進行不同品種 系 、不同部位和桑椹酒不同釀造時期之定量分析,探討其品質之差異性;並以DPPH的清除能力探討其抗氧化活性。研究結果顯示,若針對不同部位而言,由HPLC的定量上得知,scopoletin在果實中的含量為最高;而rutin則在葉片中的含量為高;而quercetin方面,則以黑色果實的含量較高;而kaempferol方面,僅在枝條含量較高,其餘部位含量較低;在抗氧化能力方面可發現,總酚類、總類黃酮和DPPH自由基的清除能力皆以葉部為最高。若針對不同的品種 系 而言,在HPLC的定量上皆以果桑的總含量為最高,以台桑2號 M. alba 含量為最低;然而在抗氧化方面,總酚類、總類黃酮和DPPH自由基的清除能力在枝條及果實上皆以果桑 M. atropurpurea 為最高,而在葉片上,則以長果桑 M. laevigata 的值為較高,皆以台桑2號 M. alba 值為最低。在釀酒方面,以不同的釀酒時期而言,scopoletin和rutin在發酵初期其成分含量較高,而quercetin和kaempferol則在儲存期含量為較高。 關鍵字:桑椹、HPLC、總酚類、總類黃酮、抗氧化能力 【Abstract】 M. atropurpurea, M. laevigata and M. alba belong to the family Moraceae and genus Morus. Mulberry is a perennial fruit tree producing many fruits during spring. The chemical constituents of the fruits of M. atropurpurea were purified with column chromatography. The compounds were purified and identified include β-sitosterol, scopoletin, rutin, quercetin and kaempferol. Of which only four compounds, including scopoletin, rutin, quercetin and kaempferol were evaluated as indicator components by HPLC to analyze multiple components simultaneously. The method of analytical HPLC ensures high standards of quality accuracy and efficiency while testing mulberry trees. HPLC was used to analyze the component quantity within differents species, by evaluating leaves, branches, fruits and wine. In addition the antioxidant activity was measured by total phenolics, flavonoids and DPPH. Found within branches, leaves and fruits of mulberry sample solution. Results showed that scopoletin had a higher concentration in the fruits; while rutin has a higher conce


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