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摘 要 超声波流量计是通过检测流体流动对超声束(或超声脉冲)的作用以测量流量的仪表,使流量仪表更能适应工业现场的环境,计量更方便、经济、准确。产品国内外先进水平,可广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、电力、给排水等领域。 ②超声波在流体中传播特性的分析、超声波流量计流体力学分析及流量修正; ③设计系统的控制测量电路,包括超声波发射电路、超声波接收电路、信号整形电路及系统控制电路等,并根据仪器本身实际情况和现场环境研究适合于的硬件抗干扰技术; ④设计相应的计算机软件对仪器进行控制和对数据进行运算处理,在软件上采取适宜的抗干扰措施,进一步增强仪器的运行稳定性; ⑤以超声波时差检测的实验为整个实验研究工作的重点,针对现有实验条件进行了实验研究并给出了实验数据和结果分析。 关键词 Abstract Ultrasonic flowmeter is through the test fluid flow of the ultrasonic bunch of (or ultrasonic pulse) role to measure flow of meter, the purpose is to solve some difficult problems of measurement. Meaning is that flow meters will be able to adapt the industrial field environment, more convenient, economy, measurement accuracy, and itself does not damage easily, low power consumption, high reliability. Such products for the domestic and international advanced level, and can be widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, water supply and drainage, etc. Based on the difficulty and practical reasons, this thesis chooses spread the method of time difference for research subject, the comprehensive absorbs the domestic and foreign advanced ultrasonic flow measurement technology, and on the basis of the following some main work completed: (1) Ultrasonic approach to measure time flow theory research, this paper ultrasonic flowmeter measurement accuracy easy effected by temperature problems, using the improved algorithm avoids the influence of temperature on measuring accuracy; (2) The ultrasound in fluid in the analysis of the propagation characteristics of ultrasonic flowmeter, fluid mechanics analysis and flow correction; (3) Design system control measurement circuits, including ultrasound circuit, ultrasonic receiving circuit, signal plastic circuit and control circuit system, and based on the instrument itself actual conditions and the environmental research suitable for hardware anti-interference technology; (4) The appropriate design of computer software to the instrument to control and t


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