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sentence patterns structure moral lesson proverbs about wealth S M P Summary S Homework Review what you have learnt today. Finish the exercises after the text. Preview the next lesson. Lead-in Text study Exploration Assignment 作 业 Global reading Further exploration Background information Intensive reading Thanks for your attention! 总标题 Logo 总标题 Logo Practical College English Course I Book One Unit Eight Period 1 2: lexical preparation for intensive reading Grammar review 4: Period 5 6: Listening Speaking Period 7 8: extensive reading: Getting Rich Practical Writing: A Notice Period 3 intensive reading: Eight Baskets of Gold Eight Baskets of Gold ---- Book One Unit Eight Lead-in Lead-in question What will you do if you get a lot of money? ♀ study ♀ residence ♀ travel ♀ charity ♀ career ♀ deposit Teaching objectives 教学目标 Knowledge Objectives Grasp the language points in the text. Ability Objectives Understand the contents and the structure of the article. Emotion Objectives Understand the moral lesson ---- harm set, harm get. New Contents 教学内容 ■ Background information ■ Global reading ? Main idea ? Structure ■ Intensive reading ? Textual analysis ? Language focus ■ Further exploration ? Critical thinking ? Lexical exploration ■ Assignment Global reading Further exploration Assignment Background information 背景信息 Text study Wealth is the fundamental thing. Wealth is associated with evil in almost all cultures. Wealth could become a great temptation that easily gives rise to greed in human hearts. Wealth and Evil Background Information Intensive reading Global reading 整 体 阅 读 Further exploration Assignment Background information Intensive reading Main idea(文章大意) Q: What is the article mainly about? The article depicts _____________ caused by ____________________. Activities: Skimming and scanning Oral presentation in groups the conflicts eight baskets of gold Structure 文章结构 Further exploration Assignment Bac


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