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民营制造企业的转型分析: 以“华坚集团”为例 摘 要 改革开放以来,我国民营制造业凭着劳动力成本低的优势,引进“三来一补”,给外国企业作代工生产,即OEM。OEM生产模式在早期对我国的经济的发展起到了很大的推动作用。然而,近年来,我国民营制造业的低成本优势开始减弱,加上全球金融危机的冲击,很多OEM企业的发展遇到了极大的挑战,于是,努力实现由OEM向自创品牌的转型,便成为很多OEM企业的选择。 本文分析了华坚集团的转型。首先介绍华坚集团OEM现状及存在的问题,其次着重分析华坚集团转型的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,最后阐述了华坚集团转型所采取的措施以及转型所取得的效益。本文通过分析这一具体案例,旨在说明OEM企业由OEM向自创品牌转型的必然性与可行性,并试图结合华坚集团在转型过程中的得与失,为其他OEM企业转型提供点滴借鉴。 【关键词】OEM 自创品牌 转型 华坚集团 Abstract Since the reform and opening up, the Chinese private manufacturing with low labor costs, introducing "three will fill", to foreign enterprises as OEM production, namely OEM. OEM production mode in the early stage of the development of China's economy plays a great role in promoting. However, in recent years, the Chinese private manufacturing low cost advantage begins abate, plus the impact of the global financial crisis, many OEM business development encountered tremendous challenges, so that to realize the brand by OEM to achieving transformation, become many OEM business. The paper analyzes the transformation of Hua Jian group. First Hua Jian group OEM status and existing problems, then emphatically analyzes the transformation of Hua Jian group strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, finally describes Hua Jian group transformation measures taken by the benefits and transformation. Through analysis of the specific case, aims to explain the OEM business by OEM brand to achieving the necessity and feasibility of transformation, and try to combine Hua Jian group in the process of transformation of gain and loss, provide for other OEM business transformation from every. 【Key words】OEM;Achieving brands;transformation;Hua Jian group 目 录 1 前言 (1) 2 OEM相关研究概述 (1) 3 华坚集团的OEM状况分析 3.1 华坚集团简介 (3) 3.2 华坚集团OEM存在的问题 (4) 4 华坚集团的转型分析 4.1 华坚集团的优势(Strengths) (5) 4.2 华坚集团的劣势(Weakness) (6) 4.3 华坚集团的机会(Opportunities) (6) 4.4 华坚集团的威胁(Threats) (7) 4.5 小结 (9) 5 华坚集团的转型措施 5.1 转变观念,树立品牌意识 (9) 5.2 加大资金投入,提高研发能力 (10) 5.3 正确处理OEM与自创品牌的关系 (11) 5.4 自创品牌与购买国外品牌并重 (11) 5.5 注重


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