College Students' English Reading Obstacles and Strategies 大学生英语阅读障碍及其对策.doc

College Students' English Reading Obstacles and Strategies 大学生英语阅读障碍及其对策.doc

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江西理工大学南昌校区 毕业设计(论文) 大学生英语阅读障碍及其对策 College Students' English Reading Obstacles and Strategies 系 部:文 理 系 专 业:商务英语 班 级:08级二班 学 生: 学 号 指导教师: 职称: Abstract Reading is a basic ability in learning English. English, as a second or foreign language, it becomes more and more important. Without reading, we can not know foreign language; without reading, we can not have progress. For college students, English reading is a skill in learning English. But now, many college students do not have the satisfied English reading capacity. Their reading ability need to be improved if they want to have higher grade in every text. As English is an international language, the requirement for college students in English becomes higher and higher. English is so essential that college students must improve English reading abilities. This paper is aimed to analyze the obstacles that influence the improvement of college students’ abilities in English reading, and bring up some strategies to improve their reading ability. First, the paper analyzes the knowledge obstacles for hindering college students’ reading ability: vocabularies obstacles, grammar obstacles, background knowledge obstacles; second, it analyzes the non-knowledge obstacles: psychological obstacles, reading habit, reading speed, reading skill; finally, it will bring up the strategies to solve the problems. Keywords: English Reading;College Students;Obstacles;Strategies 摘 要 阅读是英语学习中的一项基本技能。英语作为第二语言或外语,已经变得越来越重要。随着世界经济的全球化,英语已逐渐成为一种世界语言。因而学生的英语学习能力与要求也随之越来越高,而英语阅读能力的提高是英语学习能力提高的重要因素之一。离开了阅读,我们不能够了解外国信息;离开了阅读,我们不能够取得进步。对大学生来说,英语阅读是学习英语的一项非常重要的技能。但是现如今大学生的英语阅读能力并不令人满意,在英语阅读过程中存在着各种问题与障碍。因而如何解决这些问题,克服阅读中的障碍提高大学生的英语阅读能力从而提高他们的英语学习能力是我们所共同探讨的话题。这篇文章旨在分析影响大学生提高英语阅读能力的障碍,并提出相应的对策。首先,文章分析了影响大学生阅读能力的知识性障碍:词汇障碍,语法障碍,背景知识障碍。其次,本文分析了影响大学生阅读能力的非知识性障碍:心理障碍,阅读习惯,阅读速度,阅读技巧;最后,文章提出了一些策略去解决这些问题。 关键词:英语阅读;大学生;障碍;策略 Contents Abstract I. Introductio


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