Blasting Logs and Adverse Effects.ppt

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Blasting Logs and Adverse Effects

Blast Log Evaluation Program (BLEP) Office of Surface Mining Appalachian Region And Technical Innovations and Professional Services (TIPS) Administratium (Heaviest element known to man) Welcome WR Facilities Hotel Breaks Vouchers Notebook Class Agenda Sign-in Introductions Who, Where, What do you do? Experience with blast logs? Blasting Logs and Adverse Effects Ken Eltschlager (412) 937-2169 Keltschl@ What we are here to review Important components of the blast log to control the adverse effects of blasting Flyrock Ground vibrations Airblast (Fumes) Why is this important? Prevent injury to people Prevent damage to property Required by SMCRA Global overview Review – Blasting, Seismology and Acoustics Overview of Blast Logs The Blast Confinement Charge weight per delay Delay Sequence (surface and down hole) Blast logs #1 piece of evidence Why Should Blasters Keep Good Logs?? Regulations say so Quality control Liability protection Overview of blast energy Seismic speed – 3,000 – 25,000 ft/s Air or sound speed – 1,100 ft/s Flyrock – Faster than you can run! Vibrations arrive at a house Structure Response Ground vibrations and airblast make homes shake or vibrate. Blast Log Review and Blasting Seismograph Data Scaled Distance Relationship To evaluate ground vibrations and airblast GV – Square root scaled distance SD2 = D/CW1/2 AB – Cubed root scaled distance SD3 = D/CW1/3 Spatial Relationships Ground and Air Vibrations Know the location of the blast Check the distance!! Ground and Air Vibrations Know the charge weigh per delay Check the explosives per hole Check for overlaps – time the blast out!! Ground vibrations Distance SD PPV 301 50 1.25 301 – 5000 55 1.00 5000 65 0.75 Airblast 2 Hz microphone 133 dB All seismographs manufactured today have 2 Hz lower frequency response range. No Scaled Distance counterpart. If seismograms are available - Plot the data SD2 vs PPV Plot the data SD3 vs dB Does th


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