Language points of unit 3.doc

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Language points of unit 3

Language points of unit 3 Text A 1) Stephen Hawking: a British scientist who has greatly influenced people’s ideas on the origins of the universe, suffering from the progressive neurological disease (渐进性变性的神经系统疾病, and recognizing black holes, objects from which nothing was supposed to be able to escape. He is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (剑桥大学卢卡斯数学教授世界上最有声望的学术职位之一2) have\take\adopt (positive\negative\optimistic\pessimistic) attitude to\towards sb\sth 3) likely, possible probable这些词都有“可能的”意思。 likely 系常用词, 指从表面迹象来看很有可能。例如:The likely outcome of the contest varies from moment to moment. 比赛结果每分钟可能都在变化。 possible 指由于有适当的条件和方法, 某事可能发生或做到, 强调客观上有可能, 但常含有实际希望很小的意思。例如: Is it possible to get to the city by train, or must I take a bus? 坐火车可以到这个城市去吗?还是我必须得坐公共汽车? probable 语气比 possible 强, 指有根据、合情理、值得相信的, 带有大概、很可能的意思。例如:It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment. 很可能他是忘了我们的约会了。 4) do without: manage to survive, continue or succeed although you don’t have sth you need, want, or usu. have e.g. I can’t afford a car, so I guess I’ll have to do without. Collocation: do away with 摆脱;废除,取消 do up 系上,扣上;修理;打扮 have something to do with 和…有关系 have nothing to do with 和…没有关系 5) highly: a) very; e.g. highly successful\likely; b) to a high level or standard; e.g. a highly educated\paid person note: highly high这两个词都表示“高高地”。 highly 指的是抽象意义上的“高”。例如:a highly paid official 薪俸优厚的官员; think highly of sb. 器重某人 high用作副词时,一般指的是具体意义上的“高”。例如:aim high 向高处瞄准; search high and low 到处寻找 其他类似的例子还有: closely close closely 细心地, 严密地。例如:The prisoners were closely guarded. 囚犯被严密看守着。 close 近地。例如:He lives close to the school. 他住得离学校很近。 6) brutish \barbarian\beastly\savage 7) put\turn the clock back: return to a situation that used to exist e.g. Forget all about it and look to the future; you can’t turn the clock back. 8) cut off (water\electricity supplies\phone): stop providing 9) bring about (changes\jealousy): make sth happen e.g.: Many educat


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