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摘 要 红枣是我国广泛种植的特色林果,其种植面积和产量占全世界的 99%。红枣中含有丰富的芦丁、环磷酸腺苷,能够防止和治疗心脑血管疾病,具有抗过敏作用,抑制癌细胞生长并促进癌细胞转化成正常细胞的功能,其经济价值和药用价值极高。新疆地处欧亚大陆腹地,干旱少雨,日照长,光热资源丰富,昼夜温差大,适宜栽培品质优良、产量高的红枣。近年来,新疆红枣的种植面积不断增长,目前新疆红枣的种植面积近26.7万平方千米。但红枣的收获主要依赖于人工,劳动强度大、效率低、成本高,且收获季节多与棉花等其它经济作物收获期重合,导致雇工极其困难,不能适时收获,造成不必要的损失。随着红枣规模化、产业化发展,依靠人工收获已不能满足红枣产业化生产的需求,实现红枣机械化收获已是红枣产业发展的必然趋势。 关键词:红枣;机械化;采收 Abstract Red dates is widely planted in our country's fruit, and its planting area and output accounted for 99% of the world. Rich in rutin, cyclic adenosine monophosphate red dates, can prevent and cure cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, has the anti allergic function, inhibit cancer cell growth and promote tumor cells into normal cells, its economic value and medicinal value high. Xinjiang is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, drought little rain, sunshine long, light and heat resources are abundant, large temperature difference between day and night, suitable for the cultivation of good quality, high yield of red dates. In recent years, Xinjiang red dates of planting area is growing, the current Xinjiang red dates of planting area of nearly 267000 square kilometers. But red dates of harvest depends mainly on the artificial, high labor intensity, low efficiency, high cost, and the harvest season and cotton and other economic crops harvested in coincidence, leading to employment extremely difficult, not timely harvest, causing unnecessary losses. With red dates scale, industrialization development, rely on artificial harvesting has been unable to meet the production of red dates industry demand, realize the mechanization harvest red dates is the inevitable trend of industrial development of red dates. Keywords: red dates; mechanization; recovery 目 录 1绪论 1 1.1课题研究的意义 1 1.2国内外现状及分析 1 1.3.研究的内容和方法 2 2弹指式红枣捡拾机的结构设计 2 2.1总体设计方案 2 2.2各个主要部件的结构示意图及其功能 3 2.2动力的选择 5 2.3设计要求 5 2.4设计方案 5 3弹指式红枣捡拾机的零件设计 5 3.1 计算捡拾棍带轮直径及转速 5 3.2 V带的选取 6 3.3 V带线速度的检验 7 3.4 计算中心距及基准长度 7 3.5计算


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