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分析下面摘要的原文与译文,注意时态、语态、句子结构和词汇的选择: 原文:本文探讨了在工作载荷作用下柔轮的畸变变形特点及规律,建立了柔轮原始曲线和工作载荷与柔轮畸变变形曲线的数学模型。针对柔轮的几何特征和运动特性,编制了求解柔轮畸变变形曲线的有限元程序,并利用计算机绘制出柔轮畸变变形曲线。该研究结果为谐波传动机构的设计提供了理论依据。 译文:The characteristics and the regularity of the distortion of a flex spline under working loads are studied and the expressions of the original curve of the flex spline and the distortion curve of the flex spline against the working loads are derived in this paper.By using FEM,the programs for calculating the distortion curve of the flex splines are developed based on the geometric and kinetic characteristics of the flex splines.The distortion curve of the flex splines is plotted with the aid of a computer.The expressions,the programs and the curves provide a theoretical basis for the design of harmonic drives. 参照对上面摘要翻译的分析,将下面摘要翻译成英文: 《全国小麦育种研究进展》一文的摘要: 简要介绍了全国小麦生产情况,系统总结了超高产、优质、抗病抗逆等育种材料创造与方法研究及新品种选育方面的进展,并阐述了今后5年应重点加强的研究领域。 请将下文第二三段翻译成中文: Miniaturization of Computers There are several advantages in making computers as small as one can. Sometimes weight is particularly important. A modern aircraft, for example, carries quite a load of electronic apparatus. If it is possible to make any of these smaller, and therefore lighter, the aircraft carry a bigger pay-load. This kind of consideration applies to space satellites and to all kinds of computers that have to be carried about. But weight is not the only factor, the smaller the computer the faster it can work. The signals go to and from at a very high but almost constant speed. So if one can scale down all dimensions to, let us say, one tenth, the average lengths of the current-paths will be reduced to one tenth. So very roughly speaking, scaling down of all linear dimensions in the ratio of one to ten also gives a valuable bonus: the speed of operation is scaled up 10 times. Other techniques allow even further speed increases. Another advantage is reliability. Mini-computers have been made possible by the development of integrated circuits


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