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摘 要 随着互联网的普及,网络技术的发展,我国的电子商务也在飞速的前进。传统网络广告已经无法满足现今广大受众的需求和要求,使得越来越多的网络广告呈现精准化的趋势,Abstract With the popularity of the Internet,development of network technology,net advertising in China is also fast forward. Traditional net advertising has been unable to meet current needs and demands of the general audience,making more accurate rendering of net advertising trends,and also varieties forms of net advertising have been coming up. This article analyses study on electronic commerce,in addition,in the related discussion on the theory and technology of data analysis of perfecting group electronic commerce policy recommendations. Full-text content is divided into four major sections,the first part is an overview of Internet advertising,explain the definition,characteristics and development of electronic commerce and Internet advertising effectiveness evaluation explains.Part II is to do a simple analysis of the feasibility of and analysis of electronic commerce success stories of the industry,analysis of can draw on the experience of the Group.Discussion on the third part of the group electronic commerce policy.Part IV on electronic commerce strategy outlined needs to pay attention to several problems in the.Basic on weibo and key words. Keywords:Electronic commerceAdvertising strategy 目 录 1.引 言 1 2.电子商务营销特点和优势 1 2.1电子商务的定义 1 2.2电子商务营销优势 1 2.2.1订单采集模式转变,客户订货满意度提升 1 2.2.2市场需求预测更加准确,对客户需求的分析和把握能力提升 2 2.2.3品牌培育发挥职能,工商零协同营销水平提升 2 2.2.4信息沟通方式扁平化,客户服务水平提升 2 2.3电子商务营销的发展现状 2 2.4电子商务营销效果评定 3 2.4.1电子商务营销效果指标 4 2.4.2电子商务营销效果评估方法 5 3.电子商务营销的策略和可行性分析 6 3.1 电子商务营销的主要策略 6 3.1.1企业网站 6 3.1.2搜索引擎营销策略 6 3.1.3Email营销策略 13 3.2电子商务营销可行性分析 14 3.3电子商务营销案例研究 16 3.3.1宝洁公司广告营销案例 16 3.3.2中华魔力迅白牙膏案例 18 3.3.3经验借鉴 19 4. 电子商务营销存在的问题及发展趋势 20 5.结语 22 参考文献 23 致 谢 26 1.引 言 作为新兴的“第四类媒体”,电子商务是一种新兴的市场营销方式,是确定的广告主以付费方式运用互联网媒体对公众进行劝说的一种信息传播活动。其目的在于影响人们对所做广告的商品或劳务的态度,进而诱发其行动而使广告主得到利益的活动[]。 电子商务营销作为一种全新的营销理念,具有很强的实践性。同时,电子商务广告营销也是一个新兴的领域,有太多的问题需要人们去思考,去研究。本文以电子商务策略为研究对象,借鉴国内外著名企业网络营销的成功经验,探讨出一套完整可行的电


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