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Unit 2 Medicine (第二单元 医学) Medicine is the science and art of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease and injury .Its goals are to help people have longer, happier, more active lives with less suffering and disability. Medicine goes beyond the bedside of patients. Medical scientists engage in a constant search for new drugs, effective treatments, and more advanced technologies, such as nanotechnology on cancer. However, it is possible to trust in medicine too much. Some types of medicine may harm our bodies if we are ignorant of their side effects. So when we welcome new developments in medical field, we also need to be cautious of the potential danger it may bring. 医学是一种关于诊断,治疗,预防疾病和伤害的科学和艺术。它的目标是帮助人们减少疾病和残疾并拥有更长,更快乐,更积极的生活。医学是从患者的临床表现积累形成的。医学方面的科学家致力于不断寻找新的药物,有效的治疗方法和更先进的技术,比如癌症纳米技术。然而,它是可能的信任在医学上太多了。某些类型的药物可能会伤害我们的身体如果我们无知的副作用。所以当我们欢迎医学领域的新发展,我们还需要谨慎的它可能带来潜在的危险。 Making a little progress(更上一层楼) --Nanotechnology takes on cancer 纳米技术用于癌症治疗 By Aimee Cunningham In September 2004, the National Cancer Institute announced an initiative to bring new blood to an old and desperate fight. Called the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, the initiative will wager $144.3 million over the next 5 years that nanotechnology will open entirely new and effective strategies


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