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公允价值在新会计准则的引入 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武汉辦證/ 编辑:王鹏 来源:新浪 【摘要】财政部于2006年2月15日颁布了《新企业会计准则》,新准则包括以国际财务报告准则为基础的“一项基本会计准则”,38项具体会计准则和相关应用指南。其中有关公允价值的引入作为这次新准则改革的亮点颇受业内人士的关注。早在1998年我国也曾在债务重组和非货币性交易业务中引用了公允价值概念,引发了资本市场的利润操纵风潮。此次,新会计准则针对计量属性做出重大的调整,全面引入公允价值、现值等计量属性。 尽管相比国际会计准则,我国新准则在公允价值的使用程度上仍有所保留。但我国现阶段的经济环境是否能适应这一改变,是否会造成利润操纵,都有待研究及实践验证。 关键词:新会计准则,公允价值 Abstract Chinese treasury department has published the new accounting standards on 15th February 2006. The new standard has basically realized its convergence to the international accounting standards. It contains one basic accounting standard, 38 material standards and some other guides. During the changes of the new standards, the import of fair value attracts people’s attention so much. It’s not the first time of using fair value. The concept of fair value was brought in CAS at 1998 in the standards of dept reorganization and non-currency transaction which had initiated the capital market profit operation unrest. This time, the new accounting standards makes significant adjustment in the measuring attribute, and comprehensive introducing the measurement of fair value as also as current value. Although compared with IAS/IFRS and FASB, CAS still has some reservation in using fair value. But our country present stage economic environment whether can adapt this change, whether can create the profit operation, all waits for the research and the practice confirmation. Key Words: New Accounting Standards, Fair Value 目 录 一、序言••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 二、文献回顾••••••&


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