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财会职位英语 accounting assistant 会计助理 accounting clerk 记帐员 accounting manager 会计部经理 accounting stall 会计部职员 accounting supervisor 会计主管 administration manager 行政经理 administration staff 行政人员 administrative assistant 行政助理 administrative clerk 行政办事员 advertising staff 广告工作人员 adviser 法律顾问 airlines sales representative 航空公司定座员 airlines staff 航空公司职员 application engineer 应用工程师 assistant manager 副经理 bond analyst 证券分析员 bond trader 证券交易员 business controller 业务主任 business manager 业务经理 buyer 采购员 cashier 出纳员 chemical engineer 化学工程师 civil engineer 土木工程师 clerk typist 2010年会计实务英语指导:如何做开支预算Setting up a budget can be a daunting task. There is no reason to be intimidated by this process. Once you have set up your budget you can easily see where your money is going and how much you have left to save and spend. Just follow these seven easy steps.   建立预算让人心悸,但不能被困难吓倒。一旦建立了预算,你就能清楚地看清你的钱财流向、存下了多少。学会建立预算,跟随下面7步即可。   1. Determine Your Income 确定你的收入   You need to know how much money you will have each month to meet your expenses. If you are starting a new job you may want to use a payroll calculator to determine how much money you will bring home each month. You may be surprised at the figure.   你需要先知道你一月能赚回多少钱。刚入职的话你可能需要一个薪水计算器来计算一下每月拿回的钱数。这个数字可能让你震惊哦。   2、Determine Your Fixed Expenses 确定你的固定开销   Your fixed expenses are items that will not change from month to month. These items can include rent, a car payment, car insurance, your electric bill and your student loan. You should also include savings in this category as well. It is important to pay yourself first. Ideally you should put at least ten percent of your income into savings each month.   固定开销是指你每个月都一定要花不会改变的支出,可能是房租、汽车贷款、汽车保险、电费和学生贷款。你也应该把每月存钱书目算进去,为自己“付账”理所应当放在第一位。是每月存入收入的10%为最佳。   3、Determine Your Variable Expenses 确定你的可变开销   After you have listed your fixed expenses you will want to determine the amount that you spend on variable expenses. These items may include your groceries, eating out, clothing and entertainment. These are also c


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