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国际数据存储相关研究情况 曹强 caoqiang@ 华中科技大学计算机学院 武汉光电国家实验室信息存储部 2011-1-6 信息存储领域: An active research field Who are in this area and what are you doing? Reading: Alexander Thomasian, Storage Research in Industry and Universities, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, May 2010. * Institutional Leaders Academic: UC Berkeley CMU Wisconsin UCSC 华中科技大学 etc Industry: IBM HP Labs Microsoft Google NetApp EMC Amazon etc * * Leading Researchers Alan Jay Smith, University of California, Berkeley the performance analysis of computer storage systems, including improvements to disk caches, prefetching and data placement Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau: University of Wisconsin File system technologies, semantically smart storage Dave Hitz and James Lau, Network Appliance: File system technologies, network file systems David Patterson, Randy Katz, UC Berkeley, Garth Gibson: CMU, J. Menon, IBM Theory and application of disk arrays, reliable storage John Wilkes, HP Research lab, Storage Systems Program (now Google) I/O access patterns, storage traces, file system optimization * * Leading Researchers (Cont.) Gregory Ganger: CMU Cluster-based storage, modern disks Jeff Chase: Duke U. Network storage, data-intensive computing, web caching and content distribution Jim Gray, Microsoft Bay Area Research Center Databases and transaction processing Qing Yang: University of Rhode Island RAID, Cache, disk I/O Hong Jiang: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Distributed storage systems, meta data management Darrel Long, Ethan Miller: UC Santa Cruz high performance storage systems, distributed systems, ?fault tolerance and reliability, performance, SSD, Dedup Margo Seltzer: Harvard U. faster, more reliable, or easier to use computer systems * * Leading Researchers (Cont.) Erik Riedel: Seagate Research (now EMC) Running a storage systems group, appointed to the SNIA technical council, leading the SNIA Green Storage TWG Active disks, NASD (@CMU) Xiaodong Zhang: Ohio S



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