“同心汇聚 助残扶残”活动新闻稿.doc

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 “同心汇聚 助残扶残”活动新闻稿

志愿服务同心汇聚 扶残助残共享共赢 3月18日,由绍兴市地税局第一税务分局和绍兴市职业技术学院组成的青年志愿者开展了“志愿服务同心汇聚,扶残助残共享共赢”主题活动。 活动期间,青年志愿者们上门走访了残疾人个体工商户——飞达电脑培训学校创始人骆润法和香寨盲人推拿创始人董大寨。通过上门走访的方式,深入残疾人群体,倾听心声、了解需求,残疾人和行动不便的纳税人发放《》、等资料,帮助他们解决在涉税方面的实际问题。志愿者们来到、发放宣传资料等形式开展扶残助残的服务活动不但营造了关心关爱扶残助残的社会氛围,而且还引导了广大积极参与扶残助残志愿服务,增强了志愿者的光荣感和责任感。 installation and the cable wiring, and GIS and the network control real estate cabinet installation and the cable wiring, and boiler room, and steam room instrument tube laying, and boiler room, and steam room Bridge frame installation and the cable laying, and unit electric dust equipment installation, and cycle pump room equipment, and pipeline installation and the paint, and unit chemical water system equipment and the pipeline installation and the cable wiring, and GIS and the network control real estate cabinet installation and the cable wiring, and boiler room, and steam room instrument tube laying, and boiler room, and steam room Bridge frame installation and the cable laying, and unit electric dust equipment installation, and cycle pump room equipment, and pipeline installation and the paint, and unit chemical water system equipment and the pipeline installation and the cable wiring, and GIS and the network control real estate cabinet installation and the cable wiring, and boiler room, and steam room instrument tube laying, and boiler room, and steam room Bridge frame installation and the cable laying, and unit electric dust equipment installation, and cycle pump room equipment, and pipeline installation and the paint, and unit chemical water system equipment and the pipeline


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