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她望着蔚蓝的大海。She looked at the blue sea. 武行者心中要吃,哪里听他分说,一声喝道:“放屁!放屁!”Pass your wind! Nonsense 彩云红雨暗长门,翡翠枝余萼绿痕。 As rainbow clouds o’er darkened door, red petals shower, On jadeite branch is left the trace of fallen flower. 接受竟成了劫搜。Taking-over turns out to be loot-taking. 他们种庄稼和葡萄,酿酒和饮酒,喂牛和挤奶,锄草。 (1)They plant crops and grapevines, brew and drink wines, feed and milk cows, and weed and plant the garden. (2) They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine to drink, feed cows to milk and weed the garden to grow flowers. (3) They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine for drink, feed cows for milk and weed the garden for flowers. (4)They plant crops and grapevines, do the gardening, brew wine for drink, and feed cows for milk. 去教堂祈祷和做礼拜 They go to the church to pray and attend church service. They go the church, praying and attending church service. 到广场拉琴、 跳舞和唱歌 a. They play the violin, dance and sing. b. They play the violin, dancing and singing. c. They play dance and sing to the violin. 21世纪前10年,是中国民航承前启后, 继往开来的重要时期。 The first decade of 21st century will be a period of transition for China’s civil aviation Industry. 当时,新中国刚刚成立,百业凋零 百废待兴, 国民经济基础相当薄弱。 At that time, the People’s Republic had just been founded, and the national economic base was weak, with a general pattern of underdevelopment in all sectors. 三从四德Wifely submission and virtues; 三纲五常Principles of feudal moral conduct 轻徭薄赋 low tax rates 循环往复,水涨船高 a spiral 扭亏为盈,go into black 或 begin to make profit 脱贫致富 shake off poverty (and get rich ) 男尊女卑;male superiority (and female inferiority) 重男轻女 son preference 巫峡两岸,群山相拥,云遮雾绕,奇峰异岭隐没其间, 宛如仙境。景色最妙处要数巫山十二峰, 而尤以神女峰独具神韵。巡游于此恍若漫步于大自然的艺术画廊, 美不胜收。 On the bank of the Wu Gorge are mist-covered fairy-land-like mountains and grotesque peaks. The most marvelous scene here is the twelve mountains’ peaks, and in particular, goddess Mount peak. To cruise here is like wandering in a natural art gallery. 大批仁人志士,满腔悲愤,万种辛酸,想有所为而不能为,真是英雄无用武之地。 So many men and women with high ideals


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