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CONTENT:Project View Construction Arrangement Construction Process Quality Control Main Management Measure HSE一、工程概况 1、工程名称:工程 2、工程位置:。 3、建设单位:。 4、设计单位:。 5、监理单位:。 、总承包单位:有限公司。 、工程设计概况: .1建筑功能及规模:该工程为总建筑面积为181,286m2,其中地上为,863m2,地下室为26,423m2。26,479 m2。B1,B2,B3栋24层;C1,C2栋21层;D1,D2,E1,E2栋16层 7.2标高:±0.000相当于高程00m;室地坪:.15m;地下室底板面标高为-0m;建筑物总高度:B1,B2,B3栋;C1,C2栋;D1,D2,E1,E2栋。 .3结构类型:框架—剪力墙结构。剪力墙结构 .4基础形式:桩基础。 、基坑开挖深度:本工程自然地坪绝对标高为~2.8m,基坑开挖深度为m。1).地下室结构施工为本工程的施工重点和难点,面积大,工期紧,设备和劳动力投入多。 2.土方施工又是地下室施工的重点。本工程最大开挖深度为-8.0m,平均开挖深度为-3.6m。深基坑处采用钢板桩挡土,型钢做内支撑;浅基坑处才用钢板桩挡土。其中,钢板桩需求量为0吨,保障供应是关键。 3.地下室施工面积大,要合理地划分施工区段,确保人,材,机的投入,以保证地下室施工按期完成。 4.地下室施工正值雨季,防雨和排水措施必须合理安排、布置,尽量减少雨季对施工的影响。Project View 1. Project name: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MD3-23 2. Project address: Vietnam HCMC District 7 PHU MY HUNG. 3. Owner: PHU MY HUNG Company 4. Design Unit: Sino Pacific Consultancy Company 5. Supervision Unit: Sino Pacific Consultancy Company 6. Main Contractor: China Construction Engineering Corporation S.E.A 7. General Construction View: 7.1 Architectural function and scale: This project is resident project, which building area is 181,286m2. The superstructure area is 154,863m2 and the basement area is 26,423m2. The covering area of it is 26,479 m2. The tower building includes: B1, B2, B3 are 24 floor; C1,C2 are 21 floor; D1,D2,E1,E2 are 16 floor. The basement of this project is 1 floor, which is parking lot. 7.2 Level: ±0.000 equals to absolute elevation 2.300m; GF building ground elevation: 1.15m; Basement bottom floor level is -3.150m; Original mean ground level is -0.2m.The total height of building: B1, B2, B3 are 83.15m; C1, C2 are 72.65m; D1, D2, E1, E2 are 56.75m. 7.3 Structure type: Building B is frame-shear wall structure. Building C, D, E are shear wall structure. 7.4 Foundation form: Pile cap foundation 8. Depth of excavation: This project natural floor absolute level is 1.7~2.8m, average excavation is 3.6m , the deepest excavation is 8.0m. 9. Construction Difficulty 1.Basement structu


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