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云南省珠江流域云南松生长特征分析及其影响因子 熊河先 (西南林业大学林学院 云南 昆明 650224) 摘 要: 本文以云南生长在阳坡的云南松长得最好的云南省珠江流域的云南松林为研究对象,通过动态监测方法调查云南松固定样地获取数据并利用统计学原理处理数据,一方面通过比较云南松成熟林单位面积蓄积与土壤、坡向的关系分析云南松的生长特征,另一方面从海拔高度、年降水量2个影响因子对云南松幼龄林和中龄林的生长状况进行分析比较,分析海拔高度、年降水量对云南松生长的影响。 研究结果表明,(1)红壤有利于云南松的生长,生长在红壤上的云南松单位面积蓄积量最大,为107.87m3/hm2; ;(2)生长在阳坡的云南松长得最好,云南松单位面积蓄积量最大,为126.86m3/hm2; ;;(3)海拔高度2100m为云南松的最适生长海拔;(4)年降水量越大,蓄积增长量越大,在调查区域中,云南松的蓄积增长量随年降水量的增长呈线性增长。 关键词:云南松,生长特征,影响因子 Yunnan Province, Pinus yunnanensis growth characteristics and its influencing factors Pearl River Basin Xiong Hexian (Forestry College, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224) Abstract: Through comparative study of relevant research results at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of the object of this study, the Pearl River Basin, Yunnan Province, Pinus yunnanensis as the research object, Pinus yunnanensis fixed sample data and use statistical theory to obtain the survey data processing through dynamic monitoring methods on the one hand comparison of all ages soil, broken bits of the relationship between the accumulation of Pinus yunnanensis, on the other hand from the altitude, temperature and annual precipitation three factor on Pinus yunnanensis forest and young middle-aged forest growth conditions were analyzed and compared analysis of height, temperature, annual precipitation on the growth of cloud pine altitude. The results show that (1) red soil is conducive to the growth of Pinus yunnanensis , grown on an area of red soil is accumulation units maximum amount of Pinus yunnanensis as 107.87m3/hm2; ; (2) grown in the sunny pine grows best , grown in the sunny area of accumulation units maximum amount of Pinus yunnanensis126.86m3/hm2 ; (3) volume Growth Pinus yunnanensis affected more singniticant altitude,which rose after the first statae to reduce the emergence of raw altitude, altitude 2100m of altitude cloud Pinus yunnanensis optimum growth ; (4) volume Growth Pinus yunnanensis affected more singniticant alti



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