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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 主力百货商场电气工程设计(1) 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 重庆大学电气工程学院 二O一二年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Electrical Engineering Design of Department Store (1) Undergraduate: Supervisor: Major: Electrical Engineering and Automation College of Electrical Engineering Chongqing University June 2012 摘 要 本文阐述了主力百货建筑电气设计的设计内容、依据、原则和方法及设计选择。 建筑电气设计包括强电和弱电设计。2、3、5章为强电部分的设计,6章为弱电部分的设计。 第1章对本文进行了概述;第2章阐述了对供配电系统的设计,介绍了负荷分级和供电措施,并进行了负荷计算、短路电流的计算、设备选型和校验等。第3章阐述了一般照明和应急照明的设计内容、依据、方和等内容,并对照度进行校验,同时简介了两种智能照明控制的方法。第4章介绍了火灾自动报警及消防联动的设计内容和依据。第5章阐述了防雷接地部分的设计方法和依据。第六章阐述了弱电系统,简单介绍了一种智能停车场管理系统的设计。 本次设计完成图纸共21幅,供配电部分6幅,照明部分9幅,消防部分5幅,图纸目录、图例一张。 主力百货电气设计通过设计实践,综合运用所学知识,理论联系实际,锻炼独立分析和解决建筑电气设计问题的能力,为未来的工作奠定坚实的基础。 关键词 供配电系统,负荷计算,照度,火灾报警,防雷接地, ABSTRACT The electrical design of department store is described in this paper, including design contents, principle, basis , method and design choice. Building electrical design includes high voltage and weak electrical design. The high voltage design is described in chapter 2, chapter 3 and chapter 5. And the weak electric design are described in chapter 6 . The whole article is summarized in chapter 1. The design of the power supply system is elaborated in chapter 2. The classification of load and load power supply measures are introduced in power supply system. Equipments are selected and checked according the load calculation and the calculation of short-circuit current. The general lighting and emergency lighting design is described in chapter 3. Then intensity of illumination is calibrated, and two kinds of intelligent lighting control methods are briefly described. The design content and basis of automatic fire alarm and fire linkage is introduced in chapter 4. The design of lightning proof and grounding method is discribed in chapter 5. At last, the weak electric system design is simply introduced. A kind of intelligent parking management syste


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