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An Introduction to the Contrastive Study between Chinese and English 对比语言学 Contrastive Linguistics (CL) Contrastive Analysis (CA) Contrastive Studies (CS) I. 对比语言学与比较语言学 Origin of CL from Benjamin Lee Whorf’s definition The term “Contrastive Linguistics” was first suggested by American anthropologist Benjamin Lee Whorf in his Language and Logic in 1941. The definitions of Contrastive Linguistics: CA is a linguistic enterprise aimed at producing inverted (i.e. contrastive, not comparative) two-valued typologies (a CA is always concerned with a pair of languages), and founded on the assumption that languages can be compared. (Carl James 1980:3) 对比语言学是语言学的一个分支,其任务是对两种或两种以上的语言进行共时的对比研究,描述它们之间的异同,特别是不同之处,并将这类研究应用于其他有关领域。(许余龙 2002:4) The distinction between Contrastive Linguistics and Comparative Linguistics Comparative Linguistics: =Historical Comparative Linguistics (or Comparative Grammar), in the 19th century, diachronic, two or more than two related languages Contrastive Linguistics: in the 1950s, synchronic, two or more than two related languages or non-related languages II.汉英对比研究的内容 早期对比语言学的理论基础是结构主义语言学。结构主义主要侧重于音系和结构研究。因此,五六十年代的语言对比几乎都是语音系统的对比和结构的对比,词汇、语义等不受重视。 现代的语言对比范围要宽广的多,不仅有词汇、语义的内容,还引进了文化的因素,因为学习外语犯错误的因素有多方面的, 有逻辑或语义搭配上, 有词汇和结构方面,有语言习惯上的,也有文化背景上的。 例如: 1.Put on a coat / a hat. → 穿衣,穿帽*; 2.洗牌 → wash the cards*(shuffle cards/give the cards a shuffle); 3.to marry → 嫁、娶 但是 will you marry me?一般是男的对女的说的; 4.to kill a man / a tiger / a fly →杀死一个人、老虎、苍蝇*(打死、拍死) 5.她的衣服比我好看。 →Her dress is more beautiful than I* (mine); 6.(一位学生走进书店对服务员说)“你能否帮我介绍几本学英语的字典?” → * Will you introduce me some dictionaries for learning English? →Will you recommend me some dictionaries for learning English? 7.请保管好私人物品。 → *Please take care of your private part. → Please take care of your personal belongs. 8. He is wearing a green hat. (中国人看了都会发笑。 如果换成she 就没有问题了) He is a gay boy. ( 英美人看了也会发笑) 9.老年人优先候车。 → Senior citizens first. (在西方,老年人不希望被人看做老而无用,需要别人的照顾。因此总以委婉语senio


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