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2012~2013学年度第二学期期末检测试题II. 单项选择。(20分)( ) 21. His father was _______ musician, and he played _______ violin very well.A. /, aB. the, aC. a, the D. the, the( ) 22. She asked my secretary _______ she could come or not.A. weatherB. whetherC. whenD. if( ) 23. Daming enjoyed _______ to pop music when doing his homework.A. listeningB. listensC. listenedD. to listen( ) 24. If you don’t listen to the teacher carefully, you _______ know what to do.A. didn’tB. won’t C. aren’tD. haven’t( ) 25. He continued working _______ cutting his hand during an operation.A. in front of B. in spite ofC. at the end ofD. in time of( ) 26. She _______ longer, but she has to catch her plane back to work.A. stayedB. would like to stayC. is stayingD. stays ( ) 27. Dr. Bethune died because he didn’t stop to_______ his hand.A. worry aboutB. take upC. ask forD. take care of ( ) 28. _______ September comes, it starts to get cooler and cooler.A. BeforeB. WhileC. WhenD. With( ) 29. —I’d like to go to London with Sally. —________. We’d have a fantastic time.A. So would IB. I would soC. So would meD. So I would ( ) 30. We might go to the park tomorrow—it_______ the weather.A. lives onB. looks onC. depends onD. goes on( ) 31. — He was_______ tired_______ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.— Oh, we can go out and let him have a good rest.A. too, toB. enough, to C. such, thatD. so, that( ) 32. — Jackie Chan is my hero. — Why? — _______ he is a great film star. I think all his films are fantastic!A. ThatB. AfterC. BecauseD. The reason( ) 33. It is an enjoyable film, although in my opinion there’s _______ fighting.A. much tooB. too muchC. too manyD. many much( ) 34. If you are feeling tired, you should take some_______.A. time awayB. off timeC. of timeD. time off( ) 35. On Mother’s Day, Lingling cooked the meal for her mother all _______.A. on her ownB. of her ownC. by her ownD. to her own( ) 36. Lingling was afraid that something would _______ with the pla


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