Character List for Of Mice Men - PCHS--Mrs F.PPT

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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Character List for Of Mice Men The title suggests that the “best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry [wrong],” a reference to Robert Burnss poem To a Mouse. Foreshadowning: Hints given by the author of what is to come. Symbols: objects, characters, places, names or activities that represent abstract ideas. Biblical Parallels: Characters and events in a story that reference the Bible. * Characters, Foreshadowing, Symbols, and Themes Lennie Small large childlike Gentle, kind strong Hopes dreams Tend rabbits Liv off’ the fat a the land Lennie loves to pet things Dependent on George Doesn’t understand his own strength George Milton Small Quick-witted Cares for Lennie Hopes dreams Liv off’ the fat a the land Own a farm His behavior is motivated by the desire to protect Lennie; Dream is to deliver them both to the farm of their dreams Candy: an aging ranch who lost his hand Worries about his future on the ranch Offers his life savings to join in the dream of owning land Owns a dog that others consider useless Curley: The boss’s son Wears high-heeled boots Confrontational, aggressive Picks fights with larger men Possessive of his flirtatious wife Curley’s wife: the only female character Never given a name. Men refer to her as “tramp,” “tart,” “looloo” Has dreams of a better life As a wife Steinbeck depicts her as a victim, not a villain Slim: highly skilled mule driver “prince” of the ranch: the only character who’s at peace with himself Quiet, insightful man He alone understands the bond between Lennie and George Crooks: The black stable-hand Gets his name from his crooked back Proud, bitter and isolated Becomes fond of Lennie He asks Lennie if he could go with them and work the garden Other Minor Characters: The Boss: Never named and appears only once Carlson: A ranch hand who complains bitterly about Candy’s old dog Aunt Clara: Lennie’s aunt who cared for him until her death Whit: A ranch hand What d


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