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表 91Flammability Limits of Some Fuels in Air (Volume percent)[4] 12 绪论 燃料 燃料的燃烧计算 输运现象[5][7][10] 输运什么呢?质量、动量、能量。The subject of transport phenomena includes three closely 化学动力学基础 燃烧学基本方程 任何一门成熟的学科都有它自己的数学模型体系,它能够在数学上描述这门学科所涉及的所有特征。人们通过解方程就可以预测这门学科所涉及的所有现象,比如在天体力学中通过解经典力学方程,就能确定行星(如海王星)的轨道;在分子物理中通过解薛定谔方程,就可以确定分子光谱。 这章介绍燃烧学基本方程。它是在流体力学方程基础上得到的。The dynamics and thermodynamics of a chemically reacting flow are governed by the conservation laws of mass, momentum, energy, and the concentration of the individual species. In this chapter, we shall first present a derivation of these conservation equations based on control volume considerations. 预混可燃气着火理论 层流预混可燃气火焰传播理论 层流非预混燃烧 火焰稳定 这一章与第6章的着火相对,考虑熄火问题。确切地说,是不正常熄火问题(正常熄火指燃料用完而熄火),它是由于火焰不稳定导致的。如在房间中安静燃烧的蜡烛,一旦打开窗户,风吹进来,火焰就会颤动,风大时就会熄灭。 研究火焰的稳定性及稳定方法,对工业燃烧装置,保证稳定\安全燃烧是极其重要的。一旦着火,在不同工作条件下使火焰能够维持稳定地传播,或者说使燃烧稳定地继续下去而不熄灭。要求不仅懂得在什么条件下能保证火焰的稳定,而且还要知道防止火焰不稳定的方法。 造成火焰不能稳定,不能继续维持燃烧的因素主要有: 最本质的原因是化学反应速率太低,而其直接原因就是燃料/氧化剂的比例超出了可燃极限范围或热损太厉害导致温度太低。多数造成火焰不能稳定传播的因素都可最后归结到这上面。 气流中的气动力因素与火焰相互作用。与之相关的燃烧不稳定现象有回火,吹熄,火焰面的皱折变形,湍流燃烧,火焰的热声耦合振荡等等。 层流火焰可燃界限 This is concerned with the ability of the combustible fuel–oxidizer mixture to support fl ame propagation and is strongly related to the chemical rates in the system. In this case a point can be reached for a given limit mixture ratio in which the rate of reaction and its subsequent heat release are not suffi cient to sustain reaction and, thus, propagation. This type of stability limit includes (1) fl ammability limits in which gas-phase losses of heat from limit mixtures reduce the temperature, rate of heat release, and the heat feedback, so that the fl ame is not permitted to propagate and (2) quenching distances in which the loss of heat to a wall and radical quenching at the wall reduce the reaction rate so that it cannot sustain a fl ame in a confi ned situation such as propagation in a tube. 可燃极限 It is empirically known that sufficient dilution of a combustible mixture with


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