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摘要随着全球经济的发展,跨文化交际显得越来越重要。过去,翻译理论界对于翻译的研究多注重对语言与翻译本身的研究,如语言学、翻译理论等等。而今,翻译理论界对于翻译的研究还延伸到了文化的层面上,比如从跨文化角度研究翻译及翻译作品。只有与时俱进,把翻译放在一个更加广阔的平台上加以研究,才能使翻译研究更加有生命力和更加有现实意义。作为当今世界中文小说翻译最有影响力的翻译家之一,葛浩文先生为中国文学走向世界做出了相当大的努力。诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言的《红高粱家族》在国际社会备受瞩目,也要归功于这本小说的翻译葛浩文先生。因此,笔者选择以葛浩文先生的《红高粱家族》英译本为载体探讨跨文化视角下的翻译。作为葛浩文先生翻译研究的补充,本文旨在通过对小说原文和译文的对比分析,找出小说英译本能够跨域文化的障碍在西方世界流行的原因,这对于中国当代文学著作的翻译实践及其走向世界具有重要意义。本论文介绍了葛浩文先生翻译《红高粱家族》的相关背景,本论文的研究意义和结构;葛浩文先生和《红高粱家族》的渊源;从强势文化与弱势文化、文化拓展与文化接受、高语境文化与低语境文化三个维度上介绍了跨文化交流理论与翻译的关系;由于语言是文化的重要组成部分,因此笔者分别从篇章、段落和句子的层面对文本进行了分析;最后,结合文本实例,探讨葛浩文先生如何运用文化补偿、文化借用、文化置换和文化删除四种手段成功促进不同文化间的交流。 关键词: 葛浩文;红高粱家族;跨文化交流;翻译策略AbstractWith the growth of the world economy, cross-culture is playing an increasingly more important role. In the past, the translation researchers gave more priority to the studies on language and translation, such as linguistics and translation theories. Currently, however, they broaden their scope to do their studies in terms of culture, such as the studies on translation and translated works in the context of cross-culture theories. Keeping pace with the time and putting translation studies under a broader context can bring more vitality and realistic values to translation studies. As one of the world’s most significant translator in translating modern Chinese literature, Howard Goldblatt has been making great efforts for the Chinese literature’s spreading to the whole world. Red Sorghum enjoys a worldwide reputation, which is attributed to both its author Mo Yan, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, and its translator Goldblatt. Therefore, it is meaningful to study Goldblatt’s Red Sorghum. This thesis aims at, through the comparison between the novel’s Chinese and English version, finding out the reasons why Red Sorghum can bridge the sino-US culture differences and become popular in the western world, which will benefit the translation practice of Chinese modern literature and its spreading to the world.This thesis introduced some related backgro


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