Lean_Basics_Training-EN - CHN课件.ppt

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* One piece flow一件流 Flexible set-ups灵活设置 Rapid response to changing customer requirements对客户最新的需求作出快速反应 Variations of flow production流动生产的差异 Flow production not necessarily “one-piece flow”流动生产不必采取“一件流”方式 Lot size may be greater than one批量尺寸大于单件尺寸 Process still “flows” in logical, smooth sequence合理顺畅地生产静止“流” * Flow Production Exercise流动生产练习 Use the exercise to reinforce the difference between batch production and flow production. 通过练习强化理解批量生产与流动生产的差别 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Standard Work provides the foundation from which improvements can be made标准工作提供了改进工作的基础。 Standard work is not just SOP (standard operating procedure)标准工作并不只是SOP More formalized更加正式 Less variable变数更小 Orientation toward improvement以改进为目标 Not just rigid standards不仅仅是严格的标准 It’s about working smarter - not harder/faster这是为了更聪明的工作-不是更辛苦/快速 * * * Flow production based on customer order依据客户订单进行流动生产 Parts only produced when required by the downstream operation只在下游操作需要时才生产部件 Waste CUSTOMER RM RM Flow Production流动生产 Waste One Piece Flow: Lead Time = 8 Minutes 一件流:前置时间 = 8 分钟 Using one piece flow, inventory is reduced and quality is improved!! 用一件流,库存减少且品质提升 Elapsed Time (Min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PC Board Ass插件 Final Assembly组合 Testing测试 Wave Solder焊接 Packing包装 60% Reduction in Lead Time前置时间减少60% Flow Production流动生产 Waste Lower lead times 较短的前置时间 Better product distribution 较佳的生产配置 Lower scrap and rework 较少报废和反工 Scheduling is made easier 排程比较容易 Better utilization of floor space 较佳的空间利用 Reduced material handling 减少材料处理时间 Better labor utilization/productivity 较佳的劳动利用/生产力 Exposes problems 凸显问题 Benefits of One Piece Flow 一件流的好处 Waste Standard Work Documentation 标准工作的文件 Time Observation Form……………. 时间观测表 Process Capacity Table……… 制程产能表 Standard Work Sheet….. 标准工作表 Standard Work Combination Sheet…….. 标准工作组合表 Operator Loading Chart…. 操作员负荷表 Operato


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