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Part V Abstract vs. Concrete I English: Abstract II Chinese: Concrete Abstract style is used widely in English, especially in Social Science Works Official Articals Newspaper Remarks Leagal Style Commercial Letters Translate the following sentences: 1 管理体制需要改革,这已越来越清楚了。 2. 行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此。 3只要有什么恶作剧,总免不了有彼得在内。 4我知道他在申请公司的一个职位。 5要是你妈妈看到你的裤子撕破了,你准得吃苦头。 6如果这次买卖可以赚到钱,我打算凑一份 7因为乔治向老师报告鲍勃考试作弊,鲍勃就对乔治怀恨在心。 Abstract English Main Characteristics: 1 Norminalization 2 Preparation 1 Norminalization 1.1 prefix and suffix 1.2 lexicalization 1)读写能力 literacy 2)把---从其所处的环境(语境)中分离出来 decontextualization 3)冒险把危急局势推到局限,玩弄边缘政策的手法 brinkmanship 4)不用脑子,愚笨,无知;不注意,粗心大意;无需动脑筋 mindlessness 5)保护消费者利益运动;(主张以消费刺激经济的)消费主义 consumerism 6)新闻节目主持人的语言风格或用语 anchormanese An excessive reliance on the noun at the expense of the verb will, in the end, detach the mind of the writer from the realities of here and now, from when and how and in what mood the thing was done, and intensibly induce a habit of abstraction, generalization and vagueness. 这类名词含义概括,指称笼统,覆盖面广,往往有一种“虚、泛、隐、暗、曲”的魅力,因而便于用来表达复杂的思想和微妙的情绪。 1). 管理体制需要改革,这已越来越清楚了。 It is becoming clear that the administrative system must be modified The signs of the times point to the necessity of the modification of the system of administration. 2). 行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此。 Every year shows again how true it is that--- No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of government is becoming increasingly difficult. 2 Preparation 介词本来就是虚词,在英语里十分活跃。介词可构成各种各样的短语或成语,其意义有时虚幻得难以捉摸。 1) 只要有什么恶作剧,总免不了有彼得在内。 be in at If any mischief was going forward, Peter was sure to be in at it. 2) 我知道他在申请公司的一个职位。 be in for I understand he’s in for a job in the company 3) 要是你妈妈看到你的裤子撕破了,你准得吃苦头。 be in for it When your mother sees your torn trousers, you’ll be in for it 4) 如果这次买卖可以赚到钱,我打算凑一份。 in on If there’s any profit to be got out of the deal, I’m going to b


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