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吉林体育学院学士学位 毕 业 论 文 题 目:对石家庄市高中排球课厌学情绪的研究与思考 届 班: 2011届18班 专 业: 专 项: 排 球 学 号: 名: 指导教师: 吉林体育学院教务处制 对石家庄市高中排球课厌学情绪的研究与思考 所属院校:吉林体育学院 专 业:运动训练专业 学生姓名:李松岳 指导教师:徐明杰 牛犇 摘要:近年来,学生厌学已成为教师在教学工作中经常遇到的棘手难题之一,目前这种现象正日益在学生不同群体中蔓延,轻者学生学习成绩不断下降,重者导致逃学。本文通过文献资料法、访问法、问卷调查法、观察法对学生对排球课学习的厌学心理的构成因素进行研究,发现主要有家庭、社会、学校三大方面原因。导致学生出现了学习不够主动,逃课等现象。根据以上因素对其逐一提出一下建议。第一对家长陪同学生学习;第二对学校提出了尽量宣传和禁止占用课程,第三对学生提出了多了解排球知识多观看排球比赛;第四对教师提出了改善教学手段,提高个人教学情绪。 关键词:高中;排球课;厌学情绪; Research and Considerations on Weariness of Volleyball Learning of High School Students in Shi Jiazhuang Subordinate colleges:Jilin sports institute professional:Sports training The students name:LiSongyueteachers:XuMingjie Associate professor NiuBen Teaching Assistance Abstract: In recent years, the student in the teaching has become the teachers school-weary work frequently encountered in one of the thorny problem, at present this phenomenon is increasingly in students different groups of students grades spread, light person continue to drop, the person that weigh lead to playing truant. This article through the literature material method, interview, questionnaire survey and observation, the paper give students to the volleyball class learning school-weary psychology constitutes are the major factors of family, society, school three aspects. Lead to students learning initiative, appeared not truancy wait for a phenomenon. According to the above factors in the proposed by the proposal. The first pair parent accompanied the students learning, The second to the school puts forward as propaganda and it is forbidden to occupy course for students, the third is proposed by understanding how watching volleyball volleyball knowledge, The fourth for teachers is proposed to improve the teaching means, improve personal teaching mood. Key words: high school, volleyball learning, weariness of learning 前言 随着社会的进步,生活节奏的加快,竞争意识的加强和人际关系的复杂化,人们心理的紧张和压力也随着增加。在高中阶段,面临高考的严峻考验,如何对学生进行正常的体育教育辅导,缓解学生压力,并


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