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小学英语有效教学的路径 2010.11.05 南京市鼓楼区 导 语 语言是什么? 语言为什么? 人类的语言是怎么产生和发展的? 儿童的语言能力(这里指“母语”能力)是怎样获得的? 儿童为什么要学外语? 语言是通过模仿而学会的吗? 一、有效的小学英语教学的概念 有效的小学英语教学是指,在明确的教学目标和适中的教学难度前提下,通过对教学内容的科学分析和合理安排所进行的、既能够促进学生英语语言知识的建构、语言运用技能的提高和英语语言文化意识的发展又能够培养、巩固和发展学生学习英语的情感、态度和价值观的高效的小学英语课堂教学组织形态和教学行为。 小学英语有效教学的前提 1.教师的英语语言基本功; 2.外语教学的基础理论与方法,教师的语言教学信念; 3.对课程的属性的了解; 4.对教学对象的了解; 5.对教学目标与要求的掌握; 6.对教学文本的研究与处理; 7.教学程序的设计和教学方法的选择(有效设计、有效提问、有效评价;等等)。 二、有效的小学英语教学对教师教学理念的要求 Classroom effectiveness: Research into school effectiveness appears to have recognized that a key determined factor is the quality of learning in individual classroom. It is individual departments and teachers, more than whole schools, that have the most significant impact. The following eleven features identified as being characteristic of effective schools (Sammons et al. 1995, p.8) are recognized as being crucial and some of them can also form a framework for the evaluation of one’s own work within language departments: ·professional knowledge of the leading professional; ·shared vision and goals; ·a learning environment; ·concentration on teaching and learning; ·purposeful teaching; ·high expectations; ·positive feedback and reinforcement; ·the regular monitoring progress; ·raising pupils’ self-esteem; ·home-school partnership; ·a learning organization in which school-based staff development takes place. 三、有效的小学英语教学行为应具有的特征 1. Students-centered; 2. Active effective classroom; 3. Interesting presentation; 4. Interactive teaching; 5. Meaningful practice; 6. Evidence notion; 7. Multiple and right evaluation. (1)影响有效教学的不正确的教学行为: ·laziness ·dislike or intolerance of children ·lack of praise ·failure to put the child at the centre ·unwillingness to consider or seek alternatives ·tolerance of chaos in the classroom ·getting out of the habit of promoting the target language ·not taking account of learner needs, for example by doctrinaire use of the target language when it is clearly unhelpful ·not incorporating suffic


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