2015-2016学年高一英语外研版必修4 课时提升作业(十六) Module 6 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Word版含解析.docVIP

2015-2016学年高一英语外研版必修4 课时提升作业(十六) Module 6 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Word版含解析.doc

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温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。 课时提升作业(十六)  Module   Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Ⅰ. 选词填空(用方框中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子) journal, surface, sceptical, exist, sharp, creature, calm, monster, frightening, footprint1. They on very little money from kind people’s help. 2. It’s important to keep in time of great danger. 3. The villagers were attacked by an ugly . 4. Judging from the , it looks like a lion. 5. That hairy child looked very . 6. This kind of lives in deep mountains. 7. Be careful! Don’t cut your hand with the knife. 8. Professor Li often contributes articles to that . 9. I’m about John’s excuse for his being absent from the lecture. 10. The of the moon is not smooth. Instead, it is very rough. 答案:1. exist 2. calm 3. monster 4. footprints 5. frightening 6. creature 7. sharp 8. journal 9. skeptical 10. surface Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. When I left, he. 当我离开时, 他好像正在睡觉。 2. he can return my book within such a short time. 他不可能在如此短的时间内把书还给我。 3. In spite of the first two failures, Tom. 尽管前两次都失败了, 汤姆又试了一次。 4. These days, promotions and benefits for teachers. 最近教师的提升和待遇再次成为新闻话题。 5. The chairman of the company oftenhis way up from a delivery boy. 公司董事长经常声称他是从一名送货童逐步提上去的。 6. nearly 80, he is still very active. 尽管快80岁了, 他还是十分活跃。 7. “What aexperience! ”the woman who survived the earthquake said with a look on her face. 那次地震中幸存的妇女带着满脸受惊吓的表情说: “多么可怕的经历啊! ” 8. Try to, and we’ll think of a good excuse. 镇定下来, 我们会想出一个好的理由。 9. The custom of arranged marriages stillof China. 在中国的许多地方包办婚姻的传统仍然存在。 10. Our school260 square kilometres, which is twice as big as yours. 我们学校占地260平方千米, 是你学校的两倍。 11. They promise that they will finish the project in a month, but I remaintheir claim. 他们许下诺言说一个月内完成工程, 但我对此仍表示怀疑。 12. Sheher thumb on the side of the road trying to get a ride. 她在路边竖着拇指想搭顺风车。:1. seemed to be sleeping 2. It is unlikely that 3. tried a third time 4. have been



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