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EncounterKey wordslong for = thirst forhear about take care run into = bump into = come acrossmiss coincidence渴望听说保重偶遇,偶然遇到想念巧合睡个好觉忙于保持联系熟人向……问好渴望偶然碰到替我向……问好sleep tightbe up to keep in touchacquaintance say hello …yearn for encountergive my love to讲不出“再见”see yousee you soonsee you aroundso long catch you laterfarewellIll be seeing you Good-bye(意)你好;再见(见面问候语或告别语)再见美女Ta ta for now!Cheerio!Ciao! [t?a?] Ciao Bella!Good luck! 祝你好运Have a nice day! 祝你一天过的愉快Have fun! 玩得开心!Must ExpressionsTheme 1 偶遇Its nice to run into you here! 真没想到在这儿见到你!How are you doing? 你过得怎么样?Its really a surprise to meet you here!想不到在这儿遇见你了!Small world,isnt it? 世界真小,不是吗?What brings you here today?今天什么风把你吹来了?Never thought. I’d see you here! 真没想到在这儿见到你!I didnt recognize you. 我没有认出你。I was just looking for you. 我正要找你。Theme 2 告别See you around.再会。I guess I will be seeing you around.我想我很快会再见到你的。See you Saturday.周六见。Ill call you later.我晚会儿给你打电话。Remember to look me up.记得来看我。Im going to miss you.我会想念你的。Give my love to the family.代我向你的家人致意。Hot Dialogue热词抢先记:by the way 顺便说一声pack v. 打包go on a picnic 去野餐easy-going a.随和的Susie在她家楼底下碰到了大学同学Lily,原来Lily她们要go to picnic(去野餐),Lily问Susie要不要一起去……Susie: What brings you here today? How have you been?Lily: Fine today, though a bit under the weather last week. What about you?Susie: Cant complain. Lily: Oh, by the way, would you like to go on a picnic with us this weekend?Susie: Picnic! Thats what Im longing for. Who else?Lily: There are a lot of us. They are all my friends. And they are very easy-going.Susie: Fine! Where do you think well go?Lily: I think wed go to the lake. Susie: How will we go?Lily: By bicycle. Susie: Great! I like cycling.Lily: We can pack some food and beverages.Susie: Yeah, and dont forget to bring your camera.Lily: I sure will.Susie: Oh, before I forget, when shall we meet?Lily: Nine o clock at the gate of my house. Susie: All right. Ill go and get some food at the supermarket. Lily: OK. See you Saturday at nine oclock. Susie: See you then.热词酷评How have


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