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You are a great comfort to your parents. * Phrases: adjust to keep it up fit in (with) board a plane 5. a business qualification 6. halfway through the preparation year 7. apply for 8. get used to doing sth. 9. take up 10. board with 适应,调节 再接再励 相适应,相融合 登上飞机 工商管理资格证书 读完半年预科 申请 习惯于,适应 占据 寄宿 Phrases: academic requirements revise the draft as far as one is concerned lack confidence an autonomous learner feel at home be occupied with/in doing sth. a balance between study and a social life join clubs deserve to do 学术要求 修改草稿 就某人而言 缺乏信心 一个自主学习者 感到自在 忙于做某事 学习与社会生活之间的平衡 加入俱乐部 值得、应受 1. Keep it up: 在这个短语中,it词意模糊,只是帮助构成习语。 又如,在 take it easy (别着急),So it seems.(好像如此)等习语中,it 也没有实际意义。 continue doing or trying ☆ 而keep up表示“(斗志,价格等)不低落”,“维持,继续”等意。   Their spirit kept up well in spite of hardships. 虽有困难,但他们并不气馁。   Prices still keep up. 物价仍旧上涨。   I hope the weather will keep up. 我希望天气继续晴朗。    保留;阻止;隐瞒 避开,防止;使…不要踩不许入内, 挡在外面 使…离开/不接近;远离 继续做某事 与……保持联系 使某人一直做某事 让某人不要做某事 keep back keep off keep out keep away from keep on doing sth. keep in touch with keep sb. doing sth. keep sb. from doing sth. 跟上 与 ... 齐步前进 保持健康 保持沉默 照看;留心;注意 注意;警惕 把某事记在心里 陪伴 keep up with keep pace with keep fit keep silent keep an eye on sth. keep (a) watch keep sth. in mind keep sb. company 在英语标题中, 为了简洁需要, 通常只出现实词, 而把虚词、冠词、介词、助动词、连词等略去, 省略是英语新闻标题的一大特点。 2. fit in (well) (with) = Chinese student fitting in well (is) (A) get on/ along (well) 相适应, 相融和 It is necessary for us to fit in with the times. A lot of our new students have a hard time fitting in. This piece of information does not fit in with what I was told yesterday. 我们必须与时俱进。 我们的许多新生在融入进来的时候都会遇到困难。 这则消息与昨天别人告诉我的不一致。 I think I will fit in with well.    fit v. 适合, 安装 adj. 适合的, 能胜任的 n. 适合 fit in with be fit for be fit to do sth. keep fit 适应, 适合 胜任, 适合, 合格 适合做…… 保持健康 3. Board n./v. board a plane board with English families 上(飞机,车,船等) 搭伙,寄膳 aboard broad abroad 与board相关的短语: on board (a ship /a train) go on



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