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Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Section A(1a—2d) Ⅰ. 写出下列单词和短语 1. 风俗; 习俗(n. )      _______? 2. 鞠躬(v. &n. ) ____? 3. 亲吻; 接吻(v. &n. ) ____? custom bow kiss 4. 和……打招呼; 迎接(v. ) _____? 5. 握手 _____ hands 6. 伸出手 hold ___ one’s hand 7. 令某人惊讶的是 __ one’s surprise 8. 在某人的两颊 on ____ _____ of one’s face greet shake out to both sides Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列教材中的句子 1. ——韩国人初次见面时应该做什么? ——他们应该鞠躬。 —_____ ___ people in Korea ________ __ ___ when they meet for the first time? —They’re ________ __ ____. What are supposed to do supposed to bow 2. 在美国, 他们应该握手。 In the United States, they’re ________ __ shake hands. 3. 那就是日本人互相问候的方式。 That’s ____ people in Japan ___ ________ __ greet each other. expected to how are expected to 考点1 expect v. 期望 *In the United States, they’re expected to shake hands. 在美国, 他们应该握手。 *I expect a strong wind. 我预计会有一场大风。 *She is expecting her mother’s visit. 她正在盼望着母亲的到来。 *They all expect to get good grades this exam. 这次考试他们都期待着获得好成绩。 *All the parents expect their children to keep healthy. 所有的父母都期待着他们的孩子能保持健康。 *I didn’t expect that you could play soccer so well. 我没想到你足球踢得这么好。 【自主归纳】 expect的五种结构 expect是及物动词, 意为“预料; 期待”, 常见用法如下: 【即学活用】 ①(2015·自贡中考)—Do you think our basketball team will win the match? —Yes, we have better players. So I______them to win. A. hope    B. help    C. expect     【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。hope希望; help帮助; expect期待。根据句意“——你认为我们的篮球队会赢得这场比赛吗? ——是的, 我们有更优秀的球员。所以我期待他们赢”可以判断用expect; hope无hope sb. to do sth. 用法。故选C。 ②The mother expected her son _______(work)hard at school. ③人们期待他想出一个好办法。 He __ ________ __ come up with a good idea. to work is expected to 考点2 as soon as一……就…… *I met a Japanese boy called Sato, and as soon as I held out my hand, he bowed. 我认识了一个叫佐藤的日本男孩, 就在我伸出手时, 他鞠了一躬。 *I will tell her the news as soon as she comes back. 她一回来我就告诉她那个消息。 【自主归纳】 as soon as的用法   as soon as意为“一……就……”, 用来引导时间状语从句, 若主句用一般将来时, 从句要用一般现在时, 即遵循“主将


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