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unit10_newwords_a. New Words @ <1>demonstrate vt. 1. show or prove sth. clearly 表明;证明 The study demonstrated that good performance is related to good learning habit. 研究表明好成绩与良好的学习习惯有关。 His last remark demonstrates his total ignorance of the subject. 他最后一段话证明他对这个问题一无所知。 2. show and explain how to do sth. or how sth. works 演示;示范 The teacher demonstrated how to do the experiment. 老师演示了如何做这个实验。 The company demonstrated its new solar power system before a large audience. 公司在一大群观众面前演示了新的太阳能系统。 vi. take part in a march to protest or support sth. 示威;游行 Thousands of workers gathered to demonstrate against bad working condition. 数千名工人聚在一起举行示威反对恶劣的工作环境。 A large group of people were demonstrating in front of the factory, which had polluted the river. 一大群人在工厂门口示威,抗议该厂污染了河流。 @ <2>integrity n. 1. [U] the quality of being honest 诚实;正直 He's a person of great integrity who will say exactly what he thinks. 他这个人很诚实,不会口是心非。 A good judge must act with integrity at all times. 一个好法官在任何时候都必须以诚信办事做人。 2. [U] the state of being complete 完整;完全 mutual respect of territorial integrity 互相尊重领土完整 We should try our best to keep our cultural integrity intact. 我们应该尽力保持我们的文化完整无损。 <3>morality n. [U] beliefs about what is right and wrong 道德;道德观 It's not a question of morality but a question of law. 这不是道德问题,而是法律问题。 We do not often consider the morality of our daily actions, though that should occupy a high position in our thinking. 虽然道德应在我们心目中占重要位置,可我们很少关心日常行为的道德问题。 @ <4>boundary n. 1. [C] the farthest limit of sth. 界限;局限 the boundaries of human thought 人类思想的局限 The boundaries of human knowledge are constantly being extended. 人类知识的限度在不断地扩展。 2. [C] the dividing line, esp. between two areas of land 边界 The main road is the boundary between the two districts. 这条干线是两区的分界。 The lake forms part of the boundary between the two countries. 这个湖成了两国边界的一部分。 <5>convenience n. [U] a condition that makes it easier t


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