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Let’s look at another application that’s on customers’ minds – 802.11N – and in particular high-bandwidth usage. Let’s say you have a collection of users with an application that’s very bandwidth intensive. In fact, it may be so bandwidth intensive that this group of users isn’t even on wireless today, because they can’t get the performance they need out of 802.11b/g. So they’ve been kept on a wired infrastructure. Now 11N comes along offering up to 10 times the throughput, and suddenly you want to move this group of users to wireless. But now the APs offer up to 10 times the load to the switch, so you’re faced with one of two situations: situation number one is you keep using the switch you have. But if you put the same number of APs on it you had before, you’re not going to realize the benefit of 11N, because you’re going to be bottlenecked at the switch. So you could, of course, put far fewer APs on that switch. But now the switch becomes prohibitively expensive, because if it supported 100 APs before and now only supports ten, it’s become a pretty expensive switch. A vendor like Aruba will go out and build a really big fast switch – 20 gigabit or 40 gigabit – and will say to the customer, “Well, when you want to do 100 APs on a switch, you buy our new switch.” For the customer, it’s a forklift upgrade. No matter how you look at it, this is a hardware upgrade of the wireless LAN switch. Unless of course you have Smart Mobile. Smart Mobile lets the 11N APs forward traffic directly to the high-bandwidth server, directly to that fat pipe or to that default gateway, because the forwarding occurs at the AP, and doesn’t go through the controller. And traffic doesn’t get backhauled across the network twice. So with Smart Mobile, there is no impact on the controller, in terms of its throughput. But from a control and management perspective, an AP is still an AP. So if you bought a Trapeze MX400 switch and have a 120-access point license on it, you can suppo




